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Aluminum Hydroxide, Magnesium Hydroxide, and Simethicone
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

What is Aluminum Hydroxide, Magnesium Hydroxide, and Simethicone?

(a LOO mi num hye DROKS ide, mag NEE zhum hye DROKS ide, & sye METH i kone)

• This medicine is used to relieve excess gas in the stomach.

• This medicine is used to treat heartburn and indigestion.

What are the precautions when taking this medicine?

• Check medicines with healthcare provider. This medicine may not mix well with other medicines.

• Do not take other medicines within 1 hour of this medicine.

• If you have kidney disease, talk with healthcare provider.

• Tell healthcare provider if you are pregnant or plan on getting pregnant.

• Tell healthcare provider if you are breast-feeding.

What are some possible side effects of this medicine?

• Abnormal taste. This is usually reversible.

Aluminum- and calcium-containing products:

• Constipation. More liquids, regular exercise, or a fiber-containing diet may help. Talk with healthcare provider about a stool softener or laxative.

Magnesium-containing products:

• Diarrhea.

Reasons to call healthcare...
