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What is Candytuft?

Candytuft, also known as clown’s mustard, is a white flowering plant found originally in Spain. It’s a member of the Brassicaceae family, making it a relative of cabbage and broccoli. Traditionally, it was used in the treatment of arthritis, gout, enlarged heart, and asthma. The seeds, stems, roots, and leaves have all been used medicinally.

Candytuft is widely used in Germany for treatment of dyspepsia . This term indicates chronic digestive distress that occurs in the absence of any identifiable cause, such as an ulcer. Symptoms include stomach discomfort, gas, bloating, belching, appetite loss, and nausea.

Several studies, enrolling a total of over 600 participants, have found benefits for dyspepsia with use of a proprietary herbal combination therapy containing candytuft as the primary ingredient. 1 The product tested in these studies has undergone change over time. The original version included, along with candytuft, matricaria flower (chamomile), peppermint leaves , caraway, licorice root , and lemon balm . Subsequently, an augmented preparation was tested that utilized, in addition to the...

Safety Issues

In controlled clinical trials, use of the tested candytuft preparation has not resulted in any significant side effects. 2 Note that the studied preparation is manufactured in Germany under conditions that are more closely regulated than herbal manufacturing in the US. Formulations made outside of Germany might present unrecognized safety risks. Even with the tested product, comprehensive safety studies have not been performed. Safety for pregnant or nursing women, young children, or individuals with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.
