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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Resting

Written by sshowalter, ritasharma.

Resting is so important for our physical bodies and our minds as well. In our over-worked and stressful society, we do not find the time to rest. When the pain from carpal tunnel syndrome becomes unbearable, you'll need to rest your wrists from doing too much work. Hopefully, you'll notice the symptoms long before they become unbearable and can integrate resting and stretching into your daily life (along with modifying the activity that is causing you pain the first place.

Effect of Resting on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Along with any other carpal tunnel syndrome treatments you try, you’ll need to rest your hands and wrists for a short time.

Also, ice and elevation can provide temporary relief from carpal tunnel syndrome while you are modifying your lifestyle to prevent recurrence.

To assure that your wrist is rested, your doctor may choose to put your wrist in a splint. The splint holds the wrist in a cocked-up position. It may be worn only at night, when symptoms are usually at their worst, or throughout the day and night. Since any motion raises the pressure in the carpal tunnel and counteracts the effects of the splint, many doctor recommend the splint be worn continuously for the first week to ten days.

Read more details about Resting.

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