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Cystoseira canariensis
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

What are Cystoseira canariensis?

Due to the high emotional stakes involved in both amateur and professional sports, pharmaceutical and supplement manufacturers continually seek to find products that might add a competitive edge. Findings from test tube studies suggested that an extract of the brown seaweed Cystoseira canariensismight inhibit a substance in the body called myostatin. 1 Myostatin inhibits the growth of muscle cells. It is believed that some animals, and some people, produce relatively less myostatin, and therefore develop stronger muscles even without much exercise. Consider chimpanzees that live in a cage but are nonetheless much stronger than similarly sized humans. If a substance could be discovered that effectively blocks the action of myostatin, that substance might logically be...

Safety Issues

Cystoseira is thought to be a safe, food-like substance. No serious adverse effects were seen in the human study described above. However, comprehensive safety testing has not been performed. Maximum safe doses in pregnant or nursing women, young children, or people with liver or kidney disease have not been determined.
