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Diclofenac (Systemic)
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

What is Diclofenac (Systemic)?

(dye KLOE fen ak)

• This medicine is used to relieve pain and inflammation.

• This medicine is used to treat arthritis.

• This medicine is used to relieve painful menstrual cycles.

• This medicine is used to treat gout attacks.

• This medicine is used to treat migraine headaches.

What are the precautions when taking this medicine?

• If you are 65 or older, use this medicine with caution. You could have more side effects.

• If you have asthma, talk with healthcare provider.

• If you have high blood pressure, talk with healthcare provider.

• If you have kidney disease, talk with healthcare provider.

• If you have liver disease, talk with healthcare provider.

• If you have PKU, talk with healthcare provider. Some products do contain phenylalanine.

• If you have had an ulcer or bleeding from your stomach or intestines, talk with healthcare provider.

• If you have a weakened heart, talk with healthcare provider.

• Check medicines with healthcare provider. This medicine may not mix well with other medicines.

• Talk with healthcare provider before using...
