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Personal Health Records
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Developer of Personal Health Record Software - Minerva Health Manger
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In 2000, Dan Schiavello formed a company called Minerva Health Technologies, named after Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom and medicine. The company was formed to develop and implement Medical Quality Improvement Systems and improve individualized Health Risk Assessment models using advanced statistical analyses. Unfortunately, in 2001, Dan, was diagnosed with Cancer. Then in 2006 he learned it had metastasized to his lungs. That news was devastating to his family and him! Throughout the years since, he has had to bring, fax or mail ALL of his medical and personal records to one doctor after another. That task alone was a daunting and time-consuming job that zapped his patience and his energy! Because of this experience, his company, Minerva Health technologies Inc., designed a new software product you should all know about. It’s called Minerva Health Manager – a system that allows you to store all of your health information onto a portable flash drive as small as a house key. Dan was once hospitalized for several months due to a medical emergency. After being admitted, he came very close to having a drug administered to him that could have killed him. When he was asked for his health information, he couldn’t even remember his birth date let alone communicate clearly! But, fortunately, he had his prototype of Minerva Health Manager! He literally had all of his health information – the equivalent of every file from every doctor he had ever visited since his diagnosis – tucked away in his wallet, on his portable Minerva Health Flash Drive. His doctor reviewed his Minerva Health Flash Drive and a potential life-threatening situation was averted. It revealed that he was allergic to an antibiotic about to be administered. The injection could have killed him. This inspired him to continue the development of Minerva Health Manager, and make it commercially available to everyone. Minerva can store as much or as little health and medical information as you choose. For your family, you enter or scan in the data for every file from every doctor or facility you have ever visited. Minerva allows you to easily create accurate health records that include emergency contacts, diagnosis, medications, procedures, diagnostic images, medical alerts, trends in vital signs and lab results, living wills and much more. You can also enter all health records for your entire family and synchronize your personal health records with healthcare providers and other family members. All health records are securely saved on your computer – NOT on the Internet – and it is HIPAA compliant. Health and medical information can also be exported, easily and quickly, to a unique, portable Minerva Health Flash Drive available as a USTA wristband or slimline model. Because it can be read from any computer with a USB port – it makes it easily accessible by first responders in an emergency situation, as well as healthcare providers during regular office visits. Everyone in your family, including children, can carry this potentially life-saving device at all times; including when we you are travelling, away at camp/school/college and participating in sports. It can help minimize medical errors, enhance communication between healthcare providers and patients, and save lives. Minerva Health Manager normally has a one-time cost of $75.00 for the Family Edition (including two Minerva Flashdrives) and $50 for the Personal Edition (including one Minerva Flashdrive) and is available for purchase at You can choose either the wristband or slimline Flashdrive with your order. Additional Flashdrives are available for $9.95 for other family members to use. There is even a video tour of the product and a free trial version.


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