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The mineral phosphorus is an essential part of the diet. In the human body, it is almost always found in an oxidized form known as phosphate. Bone contains the bulk of the body's phosphate. However, innumerable other substances in the body, such as cell membranes, contain phosphate as part of their structure. In addition, phosphate plays a central role in the fundament energy-producing processes of all life. Indeed, some biochemists believe that phosphate-based reactions in volcanic vents may have occurred before life itself developed, later to be incorporated into the first living cells.
Because phosphate plays a fundamental role in the body's energy-producing pathways, it has been suggested that taking high doses of phosphate (phosphate loading) prior to athletic activities might enhance performance . Phosphate-containing chemicals are also part of the process that allows oxygen release from hemoglobin, and this too has intrigued researchers looking for ergogenic aids. However, while some studies have found that phosphate loading improves maximum oxygen utilization, others have not, and flaws in study design cast doubt on the positive results. 1 Although it has long been stated that high phosphorus intake due to consumption of soft drinks might lead to osteoporosis , there is no solid evidence for this claim; in fact, elevated intake of phosphorus may help...
Safety Issues
In general, phosphorus is a safe nutritional substance.
One-time high intake of some forms of phosphate may cause diarrhea. It is also possible that ongoing intake of phosphorus at high levels may impair absorption of copper , iron and zinc . 2 Some evidence hints that excessive consumption of phosphorus in the form of soft drinks might increase kidney stone risk, but study results are contradictory, and if there is an effect it appears to be small. 3 4 Individuals with severe kidney disease should avoid phosphorus supplements, just as they must avoid taking too much of many other minerals.