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Ulcerative Colitis
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Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms

Written by sshowalter.

The most common symptoms of both forms of Inflammatory Bowl Disease (Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease) are:

  • blood or mucus in stool
  • diarrhea anywhere between 4 - 10 times per day
  • abdominal pain
  • bloating
  • fatigue due to loss of blood/nutrients

It is important to know that colorectal cancer, parasites and other infections can also cause similar symptoms and need be ruled out before testing to diagnose either form of inflammatory bowel disease.1 Despite the symptom similarities between both diseases, certain proposed treatment options can significantly vary therefore testing for an accurate diagnosis is advantageous to receive the most effective treatment regime.2 For example, in Crohn’s Disease if there is inflammation of the small intestine, nutrient absorption (mulcerative colitish of which happens in the small intestine) is compromised, often causing the person to become malnourished. Specific supplements might therefore be prescribed based on nutrient deficiencies. An inflamed colon, as is seen with Ulcerative Colitis, does not recycle water properly and diarrhea can be severe.3 Consumption of more fluids would be suggested in this case.


  1. Head, K.A. ND & Jurenka, J.S. MT. (2003). Inflammatory Bowel Disease Part I:Ulcerative Colitis -- Pathophysiology and Conventional and alternative Treatment. Alternative Medicine Review 8(3). Retrieved on March 31, 2010 from
  2. Rakel, D. (2007). Integrative medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier. (541-9)
  3. Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America. (2009) Diet and Nutrition. Retrieved April 1, 2010 from

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