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ADHD Treatment: Spirit

The “Spirit” section on foundhealth comprises treatments that have to do with intention, energy healing, prayer, and in some cases god. These terms may be volatile for some, and for others they resonate. Some of these treatments have proven to be profoundly healing for certain individuals. Though some people are skeptical, prior notions of these words should be set aside when reading about these healing treatments, as many of the are truly incredible!

Many of the treatments that live in other sections on FoundHealth could easily live in this “Spirit” section as well. For example, Yoga, though a treatment that mostly involves the body, certainly has spiritual undertones and components to its practice. Meditation lives under the Mind category, but really is a blend of body, mind and a spiritual/energetic component as well. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are examples of healing systems that have branches that span all six of FoundHealth’s treatment categories, including spiritual components.

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1 Comment

Posted 2 years ago

Have never been so Happy with Great Joy in my heart, I want to thank herbal doctor Razor for the wonderful work he did in my life with his herbal Medicine. I was down with Herpes virus for 3 years, and I have been taking the usual Valtrex and other prescribed medical Drugs for me. I never knew what brought me to the Testimony of a Lady who claimed to have been cured by Herbalist Razor, I decided to Reach out to him with his details. I copied it out and reached out to him. When spoke and he promised to Guide , I did all he asked me to do. After several days I received a shipment at my front door, From the DHL and was sent by Herbalist Razor. After completing the Dosage of the herbal medicine he asked me to go to the Doctor for a Medical Checkup. Right now I can tell you that I am Very much Healthy and Cured of the virus Permanently. God guides and protects you so you can Help save more lives as you did mine . Reach him on Email Whatsapp or call him on +2349065420442. His Facebook Page :

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