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Apple Cider Vinegar
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Experiences with Apple Cider Vinegar

6 people have experienced Apple Cider Vinegar. Have you?

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5 people have tried Apple Cider Vinegar 1 person has prescribed Apple Cider Vinegar
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Posted 13 years ago

The most dramatic results so far seen by my patients are for seasonal allergies, which work in minutes if it was of recent onset, or a day or 2 if ongoing.

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Posted 13 years ago

I take it to prevent and treat colds before they get full blown and it does the job for the past few years. Also great for allergies.

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Posted 12 years ago

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a wonderful, natural antibiotic. I've used it for minor irritations and I give it to my cats for eye infections. Just dab a drop of ACV diluted with warm water, and apply to the back of the cat's neck (scruff). They will rub and ingest indirectly when grooming themselves. It really does work!

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Posted 12 years ago

After seeing Brenda Watson, ND's program on PBS I became a believer in this. She recommends organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother (a live vinegar)" to help with digestion. So if I have indigestion after eating a meal, or uncomfortableness at any time, such as a bloated bowel, I take two teaspoons in 4 oz. of spring water, which has no chlorine or chloramine; some use distilled water instead. I am usually better in a about 15 to 20 mins. It apparently adds just the right type of acid (malic) to aid digestion. When most people are reaching for an ant-acid, I am reaching for the acid in organic apple cider vinegar. I buy BRAGGS brand. Ultimately, I feel it is best to drink 15 min. before a meal to get the enzymatic process going and ready to digest food. Also, use a straw, to keep the cider away from teeth enamel. I am about to invest in stainless steel straws, made in the USA because I think the cider may leach unwanted toxins from plastic straws.

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Posted 12 years ago

I use apple cider vinegar (actually any vinegar - balsamic, red wine, white) to treat leg/ankle/foot cramps, principally at night. Take a good swig of vinegar at the onset of night cramps and within 20-30 seconds they are gone. I have done this for 18 years and it has never failed to work. I had tried walking, massaging, running water (some of it tears) over them and they would continue up to an hour in time. I read this somewhere (no idea where) and I hobbled to the kitchen, took a swig and by the time I had returned to the bedroom, the cramps were gone. I always said that if one time it didn't work - I wouldn't have to swig the vinegar, but it works everytime. It has taken up to a couple of minutes (rarely). I have had to use pickle juice, worked okay (not as fast). I am a diabetic.

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rjteal510 11 years ago

I use ACV to relieve gout and acid reflux. It also works well mixed with tart cherry juice and honey as a pain reliever and uric acid crystal dissolving solution. This combination is a support for my transplanted kidney. It and other ant-inflamatories help to reduce creatine levels. Said combination also takes out what little arthritis I have had for 20 years.

rjteal510 11 years ago
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Posted 11 years ago

Mix with dark tart cherry juice & honey. Yum. Bye bye gout, arthritis and other systemic inflammation. Mildly anti microbial and anti fungal. Lightens the body.

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