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Asthma and Ginkgo Biloba

Written by drtaradevi.

(Ginkgo biloba)

One of the oldest herbs in use today, Ginkgo Biloba has a broad range of indications.

Effect of Ginkgo Biloba on Asthma

For asthma sufferers, ginkgo works to inhibit PAF (platelet activating factor), a powerful inducer of platelet aggregator and anaphylactic reactions. Natural Herbs that stimulate anti-PAF activity are known to assist in the treatment of asthma, allergic reactions, thrombosis and shock.

Read more details about Ginkgo Biloba.

Research Evidence on Ginkgo Biloba

One study showed that a 600 mg standardized dose of ginkgo reduced airway hypersensitivity in patients with asthma. This is about 10 times the standardized dosage that has been scientifically tested in clinical trials to augment memory function via increased blood circulation and decreased platelet aggregation.

Individuals who fall under one or more of the following categories should consult with their practitioner before taking ginko biloba. Those with:

  • blood circulation disorders
  • taking antidepressants
  • anticoagulants (ibuprofen or aspirin)
  • women who are pregnant

Possible side effects include:1,2

  • increased risk of bleeding
  • gastrointestinal discomfort
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • headaches
  • dizziness
  • heart palpitations
  • restlessness


National Institutes for Health and National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2005. Traditional Chinese Herbs May Benefit People With Asthma. (Online) accessed 02-01-2010

Staff. 2006. Natural Herbs for Asthma. (Online) accessed 02.01.10

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