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Experiences with Back Pain and Gabapentin

3 people have experienced Gabapentin. Have you?

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3 people have tried Gabapentin 0 people have prescribed Gabapentin
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Posted 12 years ago

Ive been on this medication for approx 8-12 months at first it did have a bad effect on me, but once my body began to get used to the drug it was fine. I decided because I was given 2 types of drug for my back pain, instead of taking 100mg tramadol and 600mg gabapentin, I decided to to 300mg/50mg to lessen the effects which seemed to suit me a lot better; so after discussing with my doctor if it was okay that was what I did. It does make you feel drowsy and sometimes you feel sick but those side effects aren't always present every time I take it

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LionelBQ 12 years ago

Does it make you feel sick for long periods of time or are they just brief periods of nausea?

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Posted 12 years ago

It was difficult for me to stand for more than 5 min. The pain at the waistline of my back would become unbearable if I stood for longer. The Gabapentin did not eliminate the pain but made it bearable and en enabled me to accomplish things around the house I hadn't been able to for quite some time.

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Would not recommend it
Posted 12 years ago

Bulging disk between l5and l6 pinched nerve,arthritis in hands ,left elbow and shoulders and neck, this drug helps none at all

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