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Safety Issues
Propolis is an ingredient commonly consumed in small quantities in honey. Safety studies have found it to be essentially nontoxic when taken orally; propolis also appears to be nonirritating when applied to the skin. 1 However, allergic reactions to propolis are relatively common; it is a known "sensitizing agent," meaning it tends to induce allergies to itself when it is taken for an extended time. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
- Burdock GA. Review of the biological properties and toxicity of bee propolis (propolis). Food Chem Toxicol. 36(4):347-63.
- Blanken R, Koedijk FHJ, Young E. Propolis allergy [in Dutch; English abstract]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1987;131:1121-1123.
- Bousquet J, Menardo JL, Michel FB. Allergy in beekeepers. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 10(5):395-8.
- Camarasa G. Occupational dermatitis from beeswax. Contact Dermatitis. 1(2):124.
- García M, del Pozo MD, Díez J, Muñoz D, de Corrès LF. Allergic contact dermatitis from a beeswax nipple-protective. Contact Dermatitis. 33(6):440-1.
- Hausen BM, Wollenweber E, Senff H, Post B. Propolis allergy. (II). The sensitizing properties of 1,1-dimethylallyl caffeic acid ester. Contact Dermatitis. 17(3):171-7.
- Hay KD, Greig DE. Propolis allergy: a cause of oral mucositis with ulceration. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 70(5):584-6.
- Melli MC, Giorgini S, Sertoli A. Occupational dermatitis in a bee-keeper. Contact Dermatitis. 9(5):427-8.
- Petersen HO. Hypersensitivity to propolis. Contact Dermatitis. 3(5):278-9.
- Pincelli C, Motolese A, Pincelli L. Contact dermatitis from propolis. Contact Dermatitis. 11(1):49.
- Schuler TM, Frosch PJ. Propolis-induced contact allergy [in German; English abstract]. Hautarzt. 1988;39:139-142.
- Trevelyan J. Spirit of the beehive. Nurs Times. 93(7):72-4.
- Wanscher B. Contact dermatitis from propolis. Br J Dermatol. 94(4):451-5.
- Hausen BM, Wollenweber E, Senff H, Post B. Propolis allergy. (II). The sensitizing properties of 1,1-dimethylallyl caffeic acid ester. Contact Dermatitis. 17(3):171-7.
- Hay KD, Greig DE. Propolis allergy: a cause of oral mucositis with ulceration. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 70(5):584-6.
- Petersen HO. Hypersensitivity to propolis. Contact Dermatitis. 3(5):278-9.
Can Bee Propolis cause a person to become dizzy? hotpepper@sti.net