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What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

Chocolate Side Effects and Warnings

Written by FoundHealth, ColleenO.

Safety Issues

As a widely consumed food, chocolate is assumed to have a high safety factor. However, because of its caffeine and theobromine content, it would be expected to have potential side effects similar to those of coffee and black tea , namely: heartburn, gastritis, insomnia, anxiety, and heart arrhythmias (benign palpitations or more serious disturbances of heart rhythm.) 1 All drug interactions that can occur with caffeine would be expected to occur with chocolate as well.

Most chocolate products are high in calories, and therefore could lead to weight gain.

Interactions You Should Know About

If you are taking:

  • MAO inhibitors : The caffeine in chocolate could cause dangerous drug interactions.
  • Stimulant drugs such as Ritalin: The stimulant effects of chocolate might be amplified.
  • Drugs to prevent heart arrhythmias or treat insomnia, heartburn, ulcers, or anxiety: Chocolate might interfere with their action.


  1. Cannon ME, Cooke CT, McCarthy JS. Caffeine-induced cardiac arrhythmia: an unrecognised danger of healthfood products. Med J Aust. 174(10):520-1.


Posted 11 years ago

Chocolate have many bad side effects that i feel you should consder on this website such as OVERSTIMULATION since cocoa contains natural stimulants, anyone for whom extra stimulation may be a problem should ask their doctor before eating or drinking large quantities of chocolate products. Such people may be those with high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, insomnia, nervousness, or anxiety. The chocolate may not make the root cause of any of these worse, but adding the stimulative effect of chocolate may make the symptoms seem more pronounced. During processing, some chocolates have a high concentration of lead, which can potentially cause mild poisoning. Several chocolate manufacturers have faced lawsuits. During the manufacturing process, contamination is another negative factor. Many manufacturers are sketchy when labeling flavonoids content that is lost during processing. This heart healthy element might not exist in some chocolates. In some people, chocolate has been associated with kidney stones, headaches, acne, allergies, dental cavities and premenstrual syndrome. However, most of the scientific evidence linking these problems to chocolate is weak. Yet for some people, chocolate really does have a negative effect. Cacao is one of the most addictive substances known. Cacao is super-toxic to the liver. It acts as a stimulant and agitates the kidneys and adrenal glands. This can cause: insomnia, nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night, shakes, and extreme energy shifts. The result of long term use is a high level of liver and blood toxicity which can cause extreme mood swings, angry outbursts, violence, depression, paranoia, & dizziness. In some cases of long term use, there are also psychological effects that range from addictive tendencies, sexual dysfunction, violent outbursts, lack of reasoning, and decreased will. Unfortunately for chocolate lovers, chocolate's high content of stearic acid puts it in the same category of risk of coronary disease as meat and butter i.e pathogenic. And what American Journal of Clinical Nutrition did not mention was that chocolate contains a high amount of stearic acid, a saturated fat, and saturated fats are directly linked to elevated LDL cholesterol levels and to increased risks of coronary artery disease and coronary death. Stearic acid also appears to reduce the protective HDL and may increase tendencies toward fibrin and plaque deposition in the development of atherosclerosis. These are just a few there are many more and think you should improve your website and maybe you would see an improvement of your viewers.

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Posted 11 years ago

i know my post is long but its worth reading

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Posted 8 years ago


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