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Answered How do I know if I have diabetes? 8 years ago

Diabetes is considered as a metabolic disorder which affects the ability of body to use or make insulin. It raises blood sugar levels and causing many health problems in life. They are generally categorized in four stages i.e. pre-diabetes, type 1, type 2, and gestational. If you have symptoms like mentioned in this post then you have to go for diabetic test to confirm whether you have the disease or not.

Diabetes is considered as a metabolic disorder which affects the ability of body to use or make insulin. It raises blood sugar levels and causing many health problems in life. They are generally...


First of all you should understand that childhood depression is not a normal condition. Just because your child seems little nervous or sad, it doesn’t mean that they are in significant depression. But if the nervousness or sadness remain persistent and it affect their normal social activities, interests, schoolwork or family life then it definitely shows the indication of depressive illness. There are various signs and symptoms that will occur in your child behavior like irritability or anger, feelings of sadness and hopelessness, changes in appetite, changes in sleep, difficulty in concentrating, physical complaints and many more. In most cases, usually doctor does a thorough examination by asking specific questions and doing a physical examination test. Sometimes they ask for test which is performed in the laboratory by the help of tool that you can see at etc. It is usually for checking different medical conditions whether it is caused by depressive symptoms like anemia, thyroid, lack of calcium level and other hormonal problem too.

First of all you should understand that childhood depression is not a normal condition. Just because your child seems little nervous or sad, it doesn’t mean that they are in significant...
