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Wellness is a Choice


About Me

A board certified professional in health-care and also a firm believer in holistic and integrative medicine, and that prevention is a much better option. In my free time I educate people on the benefits of investing in their own health and wellness and show them ways to create their own wellness homes or environments which in turn plays a huge role in keeping our kids and the next generation safe and healthy and free from sickness.... (more)

How I Stay Healthy

I trust and use the SWAN method (quality Sleep, Pure and alkaline Water, clean Air and proper Nutritional supplementation) in addition to eating healthy, regular exercise and not eating processed food, junk and red-meat. An occasional trip to the pizza joint is not out of the question :). Also creating balance in the five pillars of health is important (healthy body, mind, family, society and finances) when there is imbalance in these pillars people tend to be unhealthy. I also strongly oppose flu shots and the like but that's another story.... (more)

My Experience with Health Challenges

Born with Spina Bifida and being told by conventional medicine that I would need surgery and possibly a wheel chair is what got me interested in alternative and integrative medicine. If you do your homework and find the right sources the safe alternative solutions are quite amazing. I have helped many people with their health challenges that conventional medicine had no solution and it's important to note that the medical system here has a great ability to treat the very sick but has almost no ability to tell people how not to get sick or to be well.... (more)

There's two that work well. 1) Lay flat on your back and put your feet on a coffee table or the like such that the angles crested by your thigh and calf at the knee and the angle created by your back and thighs at the hip are both 90 degrees.

2) The cat-stretch. Look it up online for the technique

There's two that work well. 1) Lay flat on your back and put your feet on a coffee table or the like such that the angles crested by your thigh and calf at the knee and the angle created by your...


Magnet Therapy comes in a variety of different kinds. The one that I have tested, used and recommended for many people comes from a Direct Selling company called Nikken. They have a range of products you can choose to use of your shoulders. Don't waste your money on magnet therapy products that you can buy at the stores. There has to be a spatially varying field pattern built into the product or a time varying magnetic device that you need to get the job done. Look for a local consultant in your area or if you can't find one I will help. Good Luck

Magnet Therapy comes in a variety of different kinds. The one that I have tested, used and recommended for many people comes from a Direct Selling company called Nikken. They have a range of products...

Commented on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Magnet Therapy 11 years ago

The short term studies using magnet therapy were set up to fail :). The magnets were taped onto the wrist for 45 mins, a totally inadequate amount of time for even a pain pill to work. Properly designed and placed static magnet therapy DOES work for carpal tunnel syndrome because static magnets with spatially variable pole designs can and do cause reduction of inflammation as shown by many studies. I have used and recommended this safe alternative for many people with amazing results. Look around for a Nikken consultant and check out your options before opting for surgery. - Ravi Kulasekere PhD

The short term studies using magnet therapy were set up to fail :). The magnets were taped onto the wrist for 45 mins, a totally inadequate amount of time for even a pain pill to work. Properly...
