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A medical student who always stays up way too late. Likes eating, drinking, and sleeping in moderation.

Answered Back-to-school excitability or ADHD? 13 years ago

The beginning of school usually represents a time for change in the lives of both children and adults. Thus, it’s not uncommon for people to exhibit ADHD-like symptoms such as excitability, an inability to sleep, forgetfulness and inattentiveness during this time. In a recent article on the, Dr. Sue talked about the tendency for parents to report ADHD-like symptoms during the first week of school. States Dr. Sue, “I have to laugh/smile, as I have already receive more than a handful of phone calls directly related to the subject of ADHD. This happens every year, somehow it has become predictable, and I can only continue to be amazed that any parent would think that a few school days is enough to determine anything about how the school year is going to go!” My advice would be to wait a month and see if your child’s hyperactive symptoms don’t calm down.

The beginning of school usually represents a time for change in the lives of both children and adults. Thus, it’s not uncommon for people to exhibit ADHD-like symptoms such as excitability, an...

Answered Is Ritalin a carcinogenic? 13 years ago

Methylphenidate—the prime ingredient in Ritalin—has shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals although researchers have been reluctant to extend these findings to human beings. However, a 2005 study conducted through the University of Texas showed that 12 children given therapeutic doses of methylphenidate resulted in treatment-induced chromosomal aberrations. All malignant tumors contain chromosomal aberrations.

Methylphenidate—the prime ingredient in Ritalin—has shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals although researchers have been reluctant to extend these findings to human beings. However, a 2005 study...

Answered Alternative practitioners? 13 years ago

Also wanted to point out that MDs practicing something called 'Functional Medicine' will take a more holistic approach though they may not term it as such. Look up 'functional medicine practitioners' to learn more!

Also wanted to point out that MDs practicing something called 'Functional Medicine' will take a more holistic approach though they may not term it as such. Look up 'functional medicine practitioners'...


Yes. Tics are among the side effects of medications such as Ritalin (methylphenidate) and Adderall (amphetamine) along with an increase risk of heart failure, seizures, nervousness, insomnia, psychosis, hallucinations and memory loss.

Yes. Tics are among the side effects of medications such as Ritalin (methylphenidate) and Adderall (amphetamine) along with an increase risk of heart failure, seizures, nervousness, insomnia,...


Both formulas are effective. However, formulas such as Concerta that only need to be taken once a day are less likely to result in withdrawal symptoms throughout the day and are easier to administer.

That’s a good question. Only limited information is available on the long-term effects of stimulation medication. Stimulation medication proponents claim that it can greatly improve the lives of its patients from an emotional, behavioral, social, academic and occupational standpoint. Opponents say it can lead to a higher incidence of drug use, psychosis and mania.

That’s a good question. Only limited information is available on the long-term effects of stimulation medication. Stimulation medication proponents claim that it can greatly improve the lives of its...


Studies have shown that children who take stimulant medication for ADHD are one centimeter shorter than their un-medicated peers. Further research has shown that by the time children on stimulation medication reach adolescence, they are of average height. Thus, stimulation medication may only temporarily student a child’s growth. One of the main reasons for this period of stunted growth is appetite loss.

Studies have shown that children who take stimulant medication for ADHD are one centimeter shorter than their un-medicated peers. Further research has shown that by the time children on stimulation...


Only licensed medical professionals can diagnosis ADHD. A comprehensive diagnosis includes a clinical evaluation, medical exam and standardized tests. (See ADHD Diagnosis.) However, the most important factor to any ADHD diagnosis rests in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder’s symptoms' checklists. Suspected patients who have six out of nine symptoms over a period of six months under one or both of the categories of hyperactive/impulsive and/or inattentive will earn the diagnosis.

Only licensed medical professionals can diagnosis ADHD. A comprehensive diagnosis includes a clinical evaluation, medical exam and standardized tests. (See ADHD Diagnosis.) However, the most...


Bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of intense elation followed by periods of major depression. Research shows that whereas children with bipolar disorder and ADHD experience symptoms of elated mood, grandiosity, racing thoughts and the decreased need for sleep, children with bipolar disorder experience them to a greater degree. Studies also show that whereas children with bipolar disorder and ADHD both are chronically irritable, this symptom tends to be more explosive in children with bipolar disorder. Similarly, children with bipolar disorder were more likely to experience suicidal tendencies, psychosis and mixed mania than their non-bipolar, ADHD counterparts.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of intense elation followed by periods of major depression. Research shows that whereas children with bipolar disorder and ADHD experience symptoms of...

Answered Can ADHD be cured? 13 years ago

Researchers have yet to discover a cure for ADHD. Similarly, there is no known cause for ADHD. To learn more about the prognosis of ADHD, go to “What is ADHD?”

The Feingold diet is best described as a mixed bag. Whereas the diet’s proponents vehemently support it, pointing to a 50 percent success rate, its opponents say it has never been proven scientifically. Either way, the diet is rigorous for a young child. It involves giving up all foods with artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, artificial sweeteners and preservatives.

The Feingold diet is best described as a mixed bag. Whereas the diet’s proponents vehemently support it, pointing to a 50 percent success rate, its opponents say it has never been proven...


ADHD has nothing to do with I.Q. Individuals with ADHD are no more likely to have a low I.Q. than anyone else. Indeed some of the world’s most intelligent people are purported to have ADHD including Albert Einstein, Henry Ford and Winston Churchill.

ADHD has nothing to do with I.Q. Individuals with ADHD are no more likely to have a low I.Q. than anyone else. Indeed some of the world’s most intelligent people are purported to have ADHD including...
