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Shared experience with ADHD and Feingold Diet 9 years ago

This diet gave my child back his future. This child had ADHD, mood swings, asthma, ear infections, and tourette's ... he was also a "medication failure" and I had been told he would never succeed beyond special education classes and I should "not expect much" from him. He was 8 years old. On the Feingold diet, ALL symptoms went away and he is an engineer today and a fine young man. If I could remember who those shrinks were who told me to give up on him, I would tell them a thing or two.

This diet gave my child back his future. This child had ADHD, mood swings, asthma, ear infections, and tourette's ... he was also a "medication failure" and I had been told he would never succeed...


While allergy testing may uncover allergies -- or at least the classical IgE allergies -- it is important to remember that those additives eliminated on the Feingold Diet generally do not involve an allergic condition. Dr. Feingold, as Chief of Allergy at Kaiser Permanente, would certainly have been able to recognize an allergy, and he said that this is a sensitivity, not an allergic condition; you may call it a pharmacological reaction to the additives. I'll say that another way .... considering that the additives are low molecular weight chemicals and similar to drugs in structure, the physical and behavioral reactions to them might be considered similar to the side effects one can get from medications. While Dr. Feingold asked the FDA to study these additives in the same way that drugs are studied before allowing them into the food supply, this never happened. In fact, the artificial flavorings are mostly not even been tested for safety, and none have been tested for neurotoxicity. The only way to know if the Feingold diet will work for you or your child is to try it. Dr. Feingold's early work showed that about 50% of the children responded to the diet; after he also eliminated the petrochemical preservatives, more than 70% responded, and the Feingold Association sees the same today.

While allergy testing may uncover allergies -- or at least the classical IgE allergies -- it is important to remember that those additives eliminated on the Feingold Diet generally do not involve an...
