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Maybe not "diagnosis" per se, but I think allergies definitely should be considered as potential causes of ADHD. There are so many unknowns, it's hard to figure out exactly what may or may not be causing or exacerbating the condition. It doesn't hurt to find out!

Maybe not "diagnosis" per se, but I think allergies definitely should be considered as potential causes of ADHD. There are so many unknowns, it's hard to figure out exactly what may or may not be...


I don't know if it affects your own depression directly, but if you lack personal hygiene, the reactions you get from those around you certainly won't help with your depression issues!

Check out the Sleep Apnea Symptoms page. Do you have the symptoms shown there?

If you live or sleep with someone, the best way is to have them watch you sleep. If you don't have someone to watch you sleep, then probably taping yourself is a good way to do it.

Check out the Sleep Apnea Symptoms page. Do you have the symptoms shown there?

If you live or sleep with someone, the best way is to have them watch you sleep. If you don't have someone to...


The symptoms of many forms of depression can be similar; fatigue, loss of interest in otherwise pleasurable activities, significant changes in eating habits, anxiety, sleeping problems etc. The hormonal changes that come from having a baby are often charged with mood swings which are often experienced by new mothers. It seems that postpartum depression is often experienced by women who do not feel they have a substantial support network around to help them. If this is the case for you, it might be worth looking into some support groups, or just asking friends and family if they can be more available to help since you're experiencing some difficulties. Hope you find some more answers!

The symptoms of many forms of depression can be similar; fatigue, loss of interest in otherwise pleasurable activities, significant changes in eating habits, anxiety, sleeping problems etc. The...


I want to know how to help her, but I don't know if it's depression, a normal slowing-down of life, or her medication...? Any thoughts?

The symptoms of many forms of depression can be similar; fatigue, loss of interest in otherwise pleasurable activities, significant changes in eating habits, anxiety, sleeping problems etc. The hormonal changes that come from having a baby are often charged with mood swings which are often experienced by new mothers. It seems that postpartum depression is often experienced by women who do not feel they have a substantial support network around to help them. If this is the case for you, it might be worth looking into some support groups, or just asking friends and family if they can be more available to help since you're experiencing some difficulties. Hope you find some more answers!

The symptoms of many forms of depression can be similar; fatigue, loss of interest in otherwise pleasurable activities, significant changes in eating habits, anxiety, sleeping problems etc. The...


I know it's good for memory...

Answered Can being vegan cause depression? 13 years ago

Being vegan itself probably doesn't cause depression. However, some people might grow to have nutritional deficiencies when sticking to a vegan diet, and these may result in some depression symptoms. If vegans aren't being extremely diligent about where they get their nutrients from, they can often have low levels of omega 3s, amino acids (protein), vitamin b (especially b12) and iron.

If you have been a vegan for may years or are considering a vegan diet, it would behoove you to work with a holistic nutritionist (or any nutritionist who has experience in consulting people eating vegan diets) to make sure you have adequate levels of all the aforementioned nutrients!

Being vegan itself probably doesn't cause depression. However, some people might grow to have nutritional deficiencies when sticking to a vegan diet, and these may result in some depression symptoms....
