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I love swimming, and find that it helps, but I need some ideas on what else to do to cure depression. Any quick and easy ideas?!

I my husband has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and seems to be much more forgetful than he used to be. I know this could just be because he doesn't have the motivation to be engaged with much, but I'm wondering if it could be something more? Thanks.

I my husband has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and seems to be much more forgetful than he used to be. I know this could just be because he doesn't have the motivation to be engaged...


Swimming is a GREAT form of exercise! It is easy on your joints, good for strength and toning, and (as adam said) can be very 'zen like'! I love it, but then again, I've been swimming since I was young. When depressive symptoms get the best of me, I force myself out for a the summer especially when I can be outside, this works wonders on my mental state.

Swimming is a GREAT form of exercise! It is easy on your joints, good for strength and toning, and (as adam said) can be very 'zen like'! I love it, but then again, I've been swimming since I was...



Some people do seem to feel the effects of this stimulant more than others, depression or no. If drinking caffeine affects your ability to sleep well at night, a lack of sleep can absolutely impact your depression symptoms. Also, if caffeine gives you energy for a short while but then causes you to crash leaving you feeling worse than before, this can also mimic/spark the emotional ups and downs of depression. Caffeine alters the chemicals in your brain that may be trying to re-balance themselves during your depression treatment which may also impact your symptoms.

Regardless, if you can at least cut down on or cut out your caffeine/coffee intake and be really reflective on how your body and mind feels, this would be a good start (decaf coffee still has some caffeine in it). If you drink a TON of coffee (I would say 4+ cups a day), cutting it out all at once would also spur some crazy symptoms, so would wean yourself off of it more slowly!



Some people do seem to feel the effects of this stimulant more than others, depression or no. If drinking caffeine affects your ability to sleep well at night, a lack of sleep can absolutely...
