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Toni Sicola

Toni Sicola

Wellness Professional


About Me

Health and Wellness professional successful at creating, implementing, and managing wellness initiatives in a large organization, through strategic marketing, innovative programming, and a strong background in holistic nutrition and human health.

Certified Integrative Wellness Coach, Masters in Integrative Health Studies with an emphasis on Wellness Management

Specialties: Health Promotion/Nutrition/Fitness/Stress Management/Holistic Health/Integrative Wellness/Blog Management/Internal Communications/Internal Email Marketing/Event Planning/Managing Teams/Project Management

Over the course of the last year, I've built the foundation for a lasting program and laid the groundwork for a sincere culture shift in the organization toward modeling healthy behaviors for our patients. As the program's leader, it's my goal to create a culture where self-care is an expectation, not a burden, for employees, middle management, and executives. Through partnerships both within the organization and in the Alameda County community at large, this program has grown to become an integral part of AHS during the brief period of implementation.
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How I Stay Healthy

I am a rock climber and do my best to get to the gym at least 4 time a week, in addition to the occasional weekend trips where my weekly practice pays off with outdoor climbing. I'm also a hiker and recently cut my teeth backpacking in the wilderness.

I keep my spirits high and mind sharp with creative cooking, painting, sewing, drawing, singing, and playing guitar. I also love taking pictures, especially of my dog.
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My Experience with Health Challenges

I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early 20's and have since researched it to death. I wrote a number of papers on it in my Masters program at the California Institute of Integral Studies and focused my thesis work on combining wellness coaching with a naturopathic protocol for women with PCOS. Through diet, exercise, and gluten elimination, I have been cleared of all biomarkers for the syndrome, including blood androgen levels and insulin resistance, for about one year.... (more)

Shared experience with Acne and Tea Tree Oil 9 years ago

Mind-body work such as yoga, qi gong, and tai chi are recommended.

Christiane Northrop also recommends being mindful of the moon's cycles and leaving a window open during certain moon cycles in order to attempt to naturally re-regulate the cycle.

Northrop also recommends that women with PCOS focus on celebrating the feminine, perhaps by keeping a journal.

Low self-esteem is one of the issues that women with PCOS can face. Weight gain, acne, and hirsutism can be very upsetting, and treatments for the latter two can get very expensive if the underlying cause of them hasn't yet been addressed. It's recommended that women with PCOS have a mentor or a therapist or a spiritual ally to help with low self-esteem.

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Mind-body work such as yoga, qi gong, and tai chi are recommended.

Christiane Northrop also recommends being mindful of the moon's cycles and leaving a window open during certain moon cycles in order to attempt to naturally re-regulate the cycle.

Northrop also recommends that women with PCOS focus on celebrating the feminine, perhaps by keeping a journal.

Low self-esteem is one of the issues that women with PCOS can face. Weight gain, acne, and hirsutism can be very upsetting, and treatments for the latter two can get very expensive if the underlying cause of them hasn't yet been addressed. It's recommended that women with PCOS have a mentor or a therapist or a spiritual ally to help with low self-esteem.

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Moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes every day is recommended for women with PCOS, more if obesity is present.

Low-impact exercise such as pilates is encouraged, because it gently focuses on the core (typically a problem area form women with PCOS). Additionally, high-intensity exercise can excite the catecholamine response, causing stress on the body and upsetting the hormonal imbalance further.

Mind-body work, such as yoga, qi gong, an tai chi are also recommended.

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Moderate exercise can be extremely helpful for the treatment of most health conditions.

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Moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes every day is recommended for women with PCOS, more if obesity is present. Low-impact exercise such as pilates is encouraged, because it gently focuses on the core (typically a problem area form women with PCOS).

However, high-intensity exercise can excite the catecholamine response, causing stress on the body and upsetting the hormonal imbalance further.

Mind-body work, such as yoga, qi gong, an tai chi are also recommended.

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Doctors sometimes recommend the the Zone diet or the South Beach diet, which both encourage high vegetable and fiver consumption with healthy fats and proteins, while discouraging refined carbohydrates.

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Doctors sometimes recommend the South Beach diet or the Zone diet, which both encourage high vegetable and fiver consumption with healthy fats and proteins, while discouraging refined carbohydrates.

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This can be specifically helpful for the treatment of PCOS because refined carbohydrates can exacerbate the symptoms of insulin resistance.

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Doctors sometimes recommend the the Zone diet or the South Beach diet, which both encourage high vegetable and fiver consumption with healthy fats and proteins, while discouraging refined carbohydrates.

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Doctors sometimes recommend the Zone Diet or the South Beach diet, which both encourage high vegetable and fiver consumption with healthy fats and proteins, while discouraging refined carbohydrates This can be specifically helpful for the treatment of PCOS because refined carbohydrates can exacerbate the symptoms of insulin resistance.

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Doctors sometimes recommend the South Beach diet or the Zone diet, which both encourage high vegetable and fiver consumption with healthy fats and proteins, while discouraging refined carbohydrates.

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