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Experiences with Depression and Vitamin D

3 people have experienced Vitamin D. Have you?

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3 people have tried Vitamin D 0 people have prescribed Vitamin D
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Posted 11 years ago

It was actually a kinesiologist who told me I was deficient in vitamin D. Within a week of first taking it in a fairly heavy dose twice a day my mood changed and I felt like a different person. My energy levels were higher and I felt consistently happy - after six years of depression it felt amazing. Vitamin D was the only change at that time. I have since found that I need to continue supplementing vitamin D (I don't eat fish which is a main food source and don't get much sunlight) and if I stop supplmenting it for more than a couple of weeks my mood and energy levels begin to decline.

I would recommend vitamin D as a fairly cheap starting point for treating depression especially to those who don't eat much fish or get ample exposure to sunlight (early morning is the best time before it gets too hot). It is worth bearing in mind however that often one nutritional deficiency can cause another, so always take a good quality multivitamin and mineral to help prevent the body from going out of balance and review diet.

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Posted 13 years ago

I've never taken a supplement, but I believe we are all supposed to be exposed to the sun each day. Our bodies need the sun for vitamin D, and people seem to be so afraid of skin cancer they lather up in sunscreen every day, even in the winter (mostly on the face via a moisturizer) but the body needs some sun exposure. I'm lucky that I live in California, so can feasibly spend time in the sun a few times a week. I have found that getting out in the sun not only feels great on my skin (thus giving me vitamin d) but also gets me out of the house - both of these things have helped with my depression... (it's hard to site just 1 thing as the thing that "treated" my depression...after all, it's an on-going treatment, and multi-faceted at that!)

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Posted 11 years ago

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