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Postpartum Depression

Written by sshowalter.

Postpartum Depression- Occurs in 10% of women who deliver children, onset is 2 to 6 weeks after delivery, and if left untreated, can last from 1 to 2 years, most common in women who have also experienced PMDD and/or prior postpartum depression. Severe manias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and psychoses may also develop following the birth of a child.

It is speculated that this high rate of postpartum depression that occurs in the west is in part due to our emphasis on individualism rather than family and community. In other cultures such as China, Fiji and some African populations more centered on community and social support show extremely low rates of postpartum depression.1 Other speculated causes are the extreme hormonal shifts experienced by women after the birth of her children. Studies suggest being involved in social support groups, being in one-on-one communication with a health professional,2 and receiving some form of therapy (cognitive behavioral therapy3 or interpersonal psychotherapy4 as examples) are extremely helpful for the treatment of postpartum depression.


  1. Rich, T. & Jordan, M. Motherâ??s Little Helper: The History and Evolution of Amphetamine and Anti-Depressant Use in America. Wellcorps. Retrieved on September 6, 2010 from
  2. Brugha TS, Wheatley S, Taub NA, et al. Pragmatic randomized trial of antenatal intervention to prevent post-natal depression by reducing psychosocial risk factors. Psychol Med 2000; 30(6):1273-81. Retrieved on September 7, 2010 from Brugha TS, Wheatley S, Taub NA, et al. Pragmatic randomized trial of antenatal intervention to prevent post-natal depression by reducing psychosocial risk factors. Psychol Med 2000; 30(6):1273-81.
  3. Hyun Ju Cho, Jung Hye Kwon, and Jeong Jae Lee. Antenatal Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Prevention of Postpartum Depression: A Pilot Study. Yonsei Med J. 2008 August 30; 49(4): 553â??562. Published online 2008 August 30. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2008.49.4.553. PMCID: PMC2615282 Copyright © 2008 The Yonsei University College of Medicine
  4. Zlotnick C, Johnson SL, Miller IW, et al. Postpartum depression in women receiving public assistance: pilot study of an interpersonal therapy-oriented group intervention. Am J Psychiatry 2001; 158(4):638-40. Retrieved on September 7, 2010 from

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