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Depression Treatment: Spirit

Written by sshowalter, ritasharma, Gary Wu.

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Depression has a variety of available solutions. This page contains solutions that have shown some level of effectiveness in patients but may not be used as widely as solutions that have been outlined in the other sections.

More on Depression and Music Therapy

Depression and Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy indicates the effects (via inhalation, olfaction and dermal application) of essential oils on the psychological, physiological and pharmacological health of any patient.2 Though further methodologically sound research is needed, aromatherapy is considered by many to be a potentially effective treatment for a range of psychiatric disorders including depression.

More on Depression and Aromatherapy

Treatments include:


Effect of Spiritual Practice on Depression

People suffering from depression and the clinicians who treat them are learning that symptoms diminish with spiritual practice. Many mental health clinics now offer meditation classes along with...

Read more about Depression and Spiritual Practice.


  1. Erkkila J, Gold C., Fachner J, Ala-Ruona Esa, Punkanen M. Vanhala M. Effect of improvisational music therapy on the treatment of depression. BMC
  2. Van Der Watt, G, Laugharne, J. & Janca, A. (2008). Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Treatement of Anxiety and Depression. Current Opinionhiatry (21) 37-42.

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