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Gout Treatment: Medicine

There are 8 Medicine treatments for Gout.
Written by sshowalter.


Effect of Colchicine on Gout

Colchicine is given during a gout attack to relieve the pain, swelling, and inflammation. It works by decreasing the acidity of joint tissue and preventing deposits of uric acid crystals in joints....

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Effect of Corticosteroids on Gout

Corticosteroids can control the pain, swelling, and inflammation of joints caused by gout. The medicine can be given as a tablet or in liquid form or by injection into a joint—or in severe cases, by...

Read more about Gout and Corticosteroids.

Effect of Allopurinol on Gout

Common name: Zyloprim

Allopurinol is sometimes given to people who suffer repeated gout attacks, especially when tophi deposits, collections of uric acid crystals, develop. This medicine slows...

Read more about Gout and Allopurinol.

Effect of Uloric on Gout

Common name: Febuxostat

This is the first new treatment for gout in more than 40 years. In clinical trials, uloric was more effective than allopurinol in lowering uric acid levels.

Read more about Gout and Uloric.

Effect of Probenecid on Gout

Common name: Benemid

Probenecid is sometimes given to patients who suffer repeated gout attacks (especially when tophi deposits develop). This medicine forces the kidneys to excrete additional uric...

Read more about Gout and Probenecid.


American Academy of Family Physicians website. Available at: .

American College of Rheumatology website. Available at: .

Berkow R. The Merck Manual of Medical Information . New York, NY: Pocket; 2000.

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases website. Available at: .

7/19/2007 DynaMed's Systematic Literature Surveillance : Man CY, Cheung IT, Cameron PA, Rainer TH. Comparison of oral prednisolone/paracetamol and oral indomethacin/paracetamol combination therapy in the treatment of acute goutlike arthritis: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Ann Emerg Med. 2007;49:670-677. Epub 2007 Feb 5.

9/17/2010 DynaMed's Systematic Literature Surveillance : US Food and Drug Administration. FDA approves new drug for gout. US Food and Drug Administration website. Available at: . Published September 14, 2010. Accessed September 17, 2010.

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