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Green Coffee Bean Extract
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

Green Coffee Bean Extract Side Effects and Warnings

Written by vikdad1, ColleenO, FoundHealth.

Safety Issues

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GC Beans (

The lack of large-scale human trials on Green CoffeeBean Extract has caused there to be minimal evidence on its potential long-term side effects. Generally, it is thought to be a safe substance.

In human trials, no significant adverse effects have been seen.

  • In the 117 person male study that showed promising results in reducing blood pressure, no adverse effects from GCBE were shown in the physical, clinical, or medicine/history examinations. (Read more about GCBE & Blood Pressure)
  • Similarly, in the study of 28 Japanese patients taking GCBE for two months, no serious side effects coincided with the extracts beneficial impact on hypertension. Long-term ingestion of the extract did not change any biochemical balances in the blood- serum iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, and vitamin B1 levels stayed in balance throughout the treatment. In this study, a physician judged the clinical safety by assessing side effects, lending credibility to the study.

Green Coffee Bean Extract has been correlated with weight loss, and as with any other weight loss substance, there is good reason to be cautious. Taking any substance meant for weight loss can have adverse side effects if used irrationally. Before choosing to use GCBE, consult your physician to see if its right for you. (Read More about GCBE & Weight Loss.)

In theory, the caffeine content of GCBE could potentially cause problems for some people. However, since GCBE contains only about 10% caffeine by weight, a high daily dose contains no more than about 20% of the caffeine content of a strong cup of coffee. If you are experiencing adverse symptoms, it is a good idea to research the side effects of caffeine, as this compound may be the reason GCBE is giving you problems.

Maximum safe doses in pregnant or nursing women, young children, or people with liver or kidney disease have not been established.



Posted 12 years ago

Green Coffee bean extract has given me severe diarrhea!

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karenschmidt5 12 years ago

I am having severe diarrhea as well, is this normal at the beginning? will this go away, it's hard on body.

mrkbky00 12 years ago

sorry i put the comment in the wrong place...but i have had severe diarrhea as well..if you find out will you let me know? Thank You

vikdad1 12 years ago

Hi there. As you know, Green Coffee Bean Extract contains caffeine, and caffeine can cause diarrhea if your body is not adjusted. If you do not consume coffee regularly, this may be a reason for this groups common symptoms.

I am curious to know the dosage that you folks are consuming. As I mention in my comment below, most clinical studies on GCBE used between 85-120 mg of extract per day, with the most extreme ranging up to 1050 mg. Patients in these studies did not experience serious side effects. If you are consuming high level doses (>500 mg), I would suggest taking it down a notch, and seeing if your symptoms subside. Too much of any substance too fast will cause chemical imbalances in the body, and these imbalances can then lead to the body functioning abnormally.

mrkbky00 12 years ago

Thank you vikdad1, I take 800mg 2x a day, and you are correct my body did adapt to the amount I take and the diarrhea has stopped..The GCBE seems to make me feel full all day, I have lost about 5lbs in a week.

vikdad1 12 years ago

Fantastic. Sounds like GCBE is living to the hype, but make sure you are not using it as a flat out substitute for food!

Shail 12 years ago

Add 1/8 tsp baking soda in 32 OZ of water to make it Alkaline. Drink 1 cup in morning as you wakeup, 1 cup before going to bed, 1 cup half hr. before lunch and before dinner.

For diet eat chicken, vegetables and lot of salads. Hope this will help loose wight and no side effects. It will cost not a penny. Health will improve definately.

akrnf88 12 years ago

I think this is a good for out health.Green coffee need to drink every body.this site is good for all people

nodikusum 12 years ago

Now today green coffe is very common name in the world. I think it is not harmful for our health, it is always our mind refresh.

jimlee4641 12 years ago

Will it cause kidney stones ? That is my fear.

mountainmom60 11 years ago

Do not take the baking soda, it causes death.

macirilo5 11 years ago

can green coffee pills be taken if you suffer from acid re flux and gastro intestinal issues.

carole 11 years ago

Has any one answered your querie macirilo5? as I was hoping to find the answer on this page xx

fg_aud 11 years ago

Me too. I am interested in knowing if green coffe has adverse effects if you suffer from acid reflux and acidity.

tlccafe 11 years ago

I started taking the Green coffee extract a month ago, I now have severe vertigo.Can Green Coffee extract be the reason?

Nicky232807 10 years ago

Macirilo,Carole,and fg_aud I have suffered severe acid reflux in the past few years but I've been taking green coffee bean everyday for last month actually its been exactly 30 days today.and I have not had ANY PROBLEMS with it! I was afraid at first but so far so good just make sure u drink plenty of water it works ALoT better with lots of water I've had NO side effects and I have lost 6 pounds I started off with the wrong coffee bean it turned out to be bogus and just started an EXCELLENT ONE two weeks ago today it's sports research green coffee bean svetol and after just 9 days of starting it I lost 6 pounds! Yay! Of course I also work out regularly and eat smaller portions and eat healthy but I was on a stricter diet when I started the bogus coffee bean and lost nothing for two weeks absolutely nothing now I am allowing myself a little treat here and there but loosing the weight fast! It's DEFINITLY the coffee bean!

Mha.ekm 7 years ago

I started taking gren coffee rip 800mg. With multivitamin and probotics. I obly took 1 pill a daynot the 2 they suggested. I lost 50pouns in 4 months. Didnt want to lose any more sp i stop. I have had poor circulation and mucle strength lose to to verge of pains. Whag can i do to get rid of paons in whole body Nerve pain muscle pain and weakness Thank for any help Gid bless yoi all

Posted 12 years ago

I after 3 days of taking 1600mg twice daily (4 400mg tabs), plus 2 (600mg) Raspberry Ketone tabs, and by the 4th day (today) I woke up with a sort of sick achy headache. And along with that, a few hours later came the diarrhea, and painful stomache cramps!!! They didn't last too long (about 1.5 hours), and the headache is much milder now(11:30pm), but I also didn't take any GCBE or RK because I'm not sure which one is causing these side effects. So tomorrow I'll just take 1 of each before each meal, several hours apart and see how that goes. I'm suprised that there's not much info out there on the side effects of these supplements.

Has anyone else had these issues? What should I do? Any dosage suggestions?

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vikdad1 12 years ago

Hi there. Though I have not taken GCBE myself, I have done extensive analysis of the limited primary research on the substance. From your description, the dosage of green coffee bean extract you are taking daily is rather alarming. In the majority of human studies, the average does participants take of GCBE is 85-120 mg or so. In the study published in Jan 2012 which really fostered all the hype, patients took at a maximum 1050 mg a day, and 700 mg a day was average. 1600 mg a day far surpasses those numbers, and may be what caused you symptom flare ups on your third day. I would suggest reducing your dosage, and slowly ramping up if you find positive health benefits without side effects. Good luck.

roxiepeggy54 12 years ago

I dont know how 1600 mg can be so alarming. The bottle I purchased was 400 mg pills and the directions were to take 2 one half hour before meals. If you followed the directions you would be consuming 2000 mg. I however am only taking this with lunch and dinner but it is still 1600mg. I have had zero side affects from this.

Jeanieheiston 12 years ago

You may want to re-read the original statement. The writer said she was taking (4400mg) daily. That's a huge difference!

micwtx 12 years ago

The original writer said she was taking 1600 mg twice a day 4 400mg capsules. There was a space between each 4/

ashleynabbee07 12 years ago

Okay I just started it and it is 400 mg and gotit off the one site Dr. Lindey recommended. It says take 2 before the heaviest meals twice a day. I started taking it yesterday. Took it before supper. I too have diarrhea today and stomach a little upset. I couldn't get any lower mg. on that site. So the writer above me was right, you would be taking 1600 mg a day. May try separating the dosages at meals.

rlott0193 12 years ago

Raspberry Ketones is a vasoconstrictor, may be the cause of headache.

cassiepesnell 11 years ago

I had the same effects as you after taking the gcbe with the rk I had a massive headache,vomiting, and just overall yucky feeling.

ale.gan 11 years ago

Has anyone experienced angina symptoms?

marcelaaraos 11 years ago

Is Green Coffee alkaline? because I do suffer from to much acid in my body.......Thank you

pilicomments 10 years ago

Green coffee is the one of best drink for loose weight and maintain health..

Posted 12 years ago

I will be driving a school bus in the fall and subject to random drug tests. Will the green coffee bean extract show up as a drug in my system? I am taking 2 800mg caplets a day as per the recommended usage I saw on the Dr. Oz show. Thanks!

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vikdad1 12 years ago

I highly doubt it, but can't say for certain.

alwaysserina 12 years ago

I also need to know if this will cause me to fail a drug test!

jimlee4641 12 years ago


I have mild kidney stone pain. Will this cause kidney stones ?

Michelleellis35 12 years ago

I need to know about false positives on random drug screens

Nicky232807 10 years ago

I take green coffee bean for a month now and I get weekly drug tests and have never come up dirty for anything!

Posted 12 years ago

hi I have just started taking 2(800mg each) green coffee bean,1(800mg) raspberry ketone and 1 (800mg blk raspberry-all are suppose to be pure by Pure Health-on a reg basis I take 100mcg levothroxin,2(25/25) spirono/HCTZ and 1(40mg) simvastatin-as far a other things 2000 Vit d3,1(300mg)Mega Red,150mg C0Q10,1(100mg)Resveratrol My big question is am I taking too much or the wrong combo- Last night after having added the three new items (gcb, rk,blk rasp)for 3 days I am having a problem with dizziness-very bad last night and still hanging on this morning- could you plz advise-doesn't seem my dr. has to much info on vit mixing- thanks

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vikdad1 12 years ago

Hi there-

This is a lot of supplements, I bet you'll be hard pressed to find ANY doctor that could say with certainty what is causing your symptoms. I have one suggestion: reduce your dosage of GCBE. Most studies conducted on GCBE used a dosage between 150-500 mg a day, so 1600 mg maybe what is causing this dizziness. Try removing it from your diet, seeing if you feel better, and that re-adding it to your diet at small symptoms. Monitor your symptoms, and increase dosage if you feel normal.

tlbesser 12 years ago

I found out that the Rasberry Keytone can severely elevate blood pressure and decided against taking it. I have not had any problem taking the green coffee bean extract.

Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

Take the 80mg of Saffron Extract that Dr. Oz recommended. No side effects for me like the Green Coffee, and it makes you feel full.

rlott0193 12 years ago

Raspberry Ketones is a vasoconstrictor, may be the cause of headache. I would also suggest only adding one supplement at a time to see what affect it has.

Duckienooee 10 years ago

I am on a lot of vitamins and supplements not even including the amount of medications ([extreme]pain, nerve, depression). To read a comment of your DOCTOR not knowing of vitamin or any mixture is Alarming in itself! They are doctors for this very reason if none other then knowledge and information, dealing with old remedies and New. It is my doctor who has either put me on vitamins and supplements or have instructed me to do so myself. With every new item I wish to take, I depend and you should as well... To have your licensed and certified MD doctor provide you with info regarding its benefits or harmful effects! I hope you will tell your doctor if you still are with him that this IS HIS JOB! Or find one who cares.

Posted 12 years ago

Will the GCBE have an adverse affect on Atrial Fib, tachnicardia or leaking heart value conditions?

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vikdad1 12 years ago

You'll definitely want to see a doctor for this, I would suggest not taking GCBE though.

Shail 12 years ago

Add 1/8 tsp baking soda in 32 OZ of water to make it Alkaline. Drink 1 cup in morning as you wakeup, 1 cup before going to bed, 1 cup half hr. before lunch and before dinner.

For diet eat chicken, vegetables and lot of salads. Hope this will help loose wight and no side effects. It will cost not a penny. Health will improve definately.

hunt4healthandwealth 12 years ago

I have a leaky heart valve and the first dose of 400 mg. made my heart race.

oni.ahammad 12 years ago

I think you must talk about with doctors. So you will not taking GCBE now regularly.

Posted 12 years ago

Also while taking bta vlockers and blood thinners?

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Posted 12 years ago

Beta Blockers

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Posted 12 years ago

Can I take green coffee extract if I've had allergic-type reactions to cinnamon? It has cinnamic acids in it, no?

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vikdad1 12 years ago

Chlorogenic acid, which has been identified as the active ingredient responsible for GCBE's benefits, it indeed a molecular derivative of the cinnamic acid family. However, how this will effect your system is uncertain. Depending on the severity of your allergies to cinnamon, it may be logical to try a small dose, and see if any allergic symptoms arise. If not, try a larger dose, and reassess. If your allergies are severe, I would not try GCBE before seeing a doctor. However, the doctor still might not be able to give you a definite answer, because the body may be allergic to one conformation of cinnamon molecules and not another. Likely it will be trial and error. Always err on the side of caution!

sswagoner 12 years ago

I am allergic to cinnamon. Tongue swells and tingles allergic...I have noticed that this is effected me. I have taken the product for a little over two weeks. At the same time I made some pumkin bread and thought the issues where from tasting the bread but the symptoms have not gone away. I stopped taking GCBE yesterday and today I still have the numbness and issues with how the cinnamon usually effects me? Scared to continue!

alsan365 12 years ago

So glad I saw this post because I am also allergic to cinnamon. It is a weird allergy, and fairly uncommon. I think I will stay away from the green coffee extract. Thank you!

Posted 12 years ago

I've had little to no side effects except... Gas! I'm also VERY regular with Bowel movements. No diarrhea but serious gas. What's up with that?

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louisemcinnis 12 years ago

all of a sudden I am experiencing terrible gas and stomch cramps. Always had a healthy intestinal tract...not now.

busybuzzy45 12 years ago

I've had the total opposite reaction ..... I'm totally constipated, even with Metamucil, 5 prunes a day, plenty of fruit and water, chia seeds, and more metamucil at supper.

mloborny 12 years ago

I've been taking 400mg before meals for a week now. I'm also experiencing a lot of gas and bloating. Not bad enough to make me quit, but I hope it improves with time!

Lorraineshea 8 years ago

I have been taking 800mg twice a day and I too have been having lots of gas!! I am also regular with my bowel movements. A little abdominal discomfort at times. I also am very bloated. If it doesn't go away I will be forced to stop.

Posted 12 years ago

i have Hypothyroidism, will this have a different affect and how much should I take.

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Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

It does for me, but I take Armour Thyroid that has T4 and T3. Much more of a stimulating Thyroid Medications, so more sensitive to stimulates. I found this stays in my system too long and I can't sleep at night if I take it after lunch. Strange, since I have a Cappucino everyday after lunch, and I don't get jitters like this Green Coffee.

Kariram23 11 years ago

I also have hypothyroidism, I have been taking this for 3 days and so far so good. I have had No problems!

Posted 12 years ago

has anyone had itching with GCBE?

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gatorgoetz 12 years ago

I am super itchy. I was wondering the same thing. I've taken one 400 mg twice a day and on the third day when I went to bed, I couldn't sleep from being itchy. No rash, just itchy. Alost like a niacin reaction minus the rash.

andjela_t 12 years ago

I noticed my stomach itches too same no rush just itchy. if I would get REALLY stressed i would have bumps (similar to mosquito bights that go a way as soon as I calm down) on my stomach that are itchy but I haven't been stressing and I head just itches no bumps at all. I am taking 800mg per day.

ppbj 12 years ago

It seems from the reading the GCBE gets the liver to start working on stored fat for energy. Whenever the liver works too hard, itching is a common side effect. Many pregnant women get itchy bellies, hands/feet from the increase work load of the liver during pregnancy. Maybe the GCBE is causing the liver to work too hard as well. Not sure, but please ask a MD.

shericw77 12 years ago

I am on my 3rd day of GCBE. I went to bed last night and was fine. I awoke in the middle of the night itching like crazy around all parts of the trunk of my body!(underarms, the worst!!!) I've been taking 800 mg 2 times a day with water as directed. I'll cut back to 400mg , twice a day and see how it does.

uma3055 12 years ago

I've been experiencing itching as well and it's more severe on my legs and soles. I've stopped taking the GCBE, but the itching has not gone away. Does it take time for the effects of GCBE to wear off?

etgras 12 years ago

Been taking GCBE for over a month and a blood panel showed my liver enzymes elevated now, which they were not before.

Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

Dr. Oz suggested Saffron Extract 80mg. for appeitite suppressant similar to Sensa. Green Bean Coffee gives me jitters, and it doesn't make me feel as full as the Saffron. It doesn't give you gas either.

daizyrue2408 11 years ago

Before taking GCBE, I lost 20 pounds in 8 weeks on my own due to healthy eating of vegetables and proteins and exercise. I take no meds or vitamins. I began taking GCBE (real deal, no fillers) 2 weeks ago. I take 1 pill (400mg) half hour before breakfast with a glass of water and another pill before dinner (as instructed) on Dr. Oz show. I have lost no weight and after 3 days developed a horrible itching all over my upper torso. As I opened the lid to my second bottle of GCBE this morning, reality slapped me square in the face. I forgot to take my GCBE pill before dinner last night and I am barely itching this morning. I have also experienced some light dizziness and fatigue. No more of this mess for me. I'm going to lose weight the correct and hard way. Eating right is a lifestyle!

spquinn7 11 years ago

This itching phenomenon if interesting to me. I just started the Green CBs for fist time in my life 4 days ago and noticed no symptoms yet. However, historically when I've been overweight (15 extra lbs of belly fat) and start running regularly and burning fat, I always get severe itching around by belly and back and I'm thinking my liver may be activly burning stored fat too - in same way, just activated by excercise rather than cofee bean. This itching would always subside after a period (several days) after the fat burned up and disappeared. So maybe no worries, just a manifestation of the body actually burning the fat stored......Yeah!

Posted 12 years ago

Anyone experience fatigue from taking this?

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geenacca36 12 years ago

yes today is the first day of taking 1 800mg veggie cap and i am very fatigued

Janelle2343 11 years ago

I took this supplement for 3 days and each day was very fatigued. Then stopped taking it and felt much better but am now having twitching in my legs. Won't ever take this again.

1001christi 11 years ago

yes' on the 4th day in I started to feel very tired' by the 7th i was like a zombie. locking my keys in the car and for getting everything. I slept the whole next day and still didnt feel much better. Sleep is really spastic for me as i have been doing a bootcamp along with taking 800mg x2 each day I thought it was the combination of the 2 giving me this affect. I have also been keeping a jurnal since the first day of bootcamp @ green coffee bean extract. I'm on my 16th day and still feel like i'm in a daze. BUT my weight loss cant be denied, I lost 8 pounds.

Posted 12 years ago

Im thinking about ordering this product but first I want tokonw is it worth the time and money? Secondly how often are you supposed to take this? Last of all does it really work?

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alloycia 12 years ago

It is worth the time and money. I have taken Green Coffee extract and have loss 8 pounds

shericw77 12 years ago

My Wal-Mart has a 30 capsule bottle for $9.98! That's up to a 15 day supply depending on how many you take a day.

katiep987 12 years ago

Sam's has a 90 cap bottle for $19.99.

surrendertothelight 11 years ago

I read a lot of horror stories about this commercialized extract, so i decided to buy green coffee beans in bulk on ebay, i bought 2 lbs and ground some up , this stuff is going to last me several months and i was only out 12.00 in all annnnnnd i know i am getting green coffee extract because i am making it myself and putting it in gelatine additives = peace of mind. So far so good, i have a fresh product and have been taking it for about 4 days now with no side effects, i have noticed i am not as hungry and i feel pretty good! 11 years ago

if ihave axid reflux should i be taking green coffee bean extract

jan_pit 11 years ago

I have four bottles will sell to highest bidder. Does not work for me. Made be bloat up like a bull frog.

Posted 12 years ago

I took 2 800mg tablets before dinner and a couple hours later I had a horrible dizzy spell and almost passed out. It was my first time taking these. I have a bit of an upset stomach and a light headache. Don't know what to think of these.

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theone6656 12 years ago

i seem to get dizzy by them too i only take one a day, thought they were good for you but i dont like being dizzy!

alloycia 12 years ago

Try taking one in the morning and one before dinner

cajundego 12 years ago

the CORRECT DOSE ACCORDING TO THE DOUBLE BLIND PLACEBO STUDY is 800mg 30 minutes before 2 separate meals, preferably breakfast & dinner. Don't take anymore that this or you can get the diarrhea, dizziness, etc. People need to do the research prior to taking any suppliments. If you are on any prescription medications or other supplements, PLEASE talk to a pharmacist or your physician. Vitamin supplements, herbals &/or medications can have ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS with each other. If you are asking people on this board who are not medical professionals their opinion, you probably should be talking to your doctor.

oliver501 12 years ago

After a week. Intervals of dizziness, extreme high blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea. These were effects I had at 800mg per day. Took three days before my blood pressure returned to usual. Blood sugar remained normal range during this time.

I attended an Emergency department, stopped taking the stuff. No more Coffee Bean extract for me! Sounds like it works for some though....

Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

Take the Saffron Extract ONLY. They do sell the two combos O Green coffee and Saffron together, and I tried it, and had jitters from the Green Coffee, and I'm a Cappucino drinker! The Saffron only helped my appetite more, without side effects. Only $20. at It's compared to Sensa, but less expensive and natural.

janp1067 11 years ago

I have been taking 2 800mg tablets a day and the only problem I have had is extremely frequent urination. Does anyone else have this problem?

ChMnyLdy2 11 years ago

I have been taking one 800 mg green coffee bean before 2 meals a day for two days. Severe headache, can't sleep at night, hot one minute, cold the next, terrible gas all day and night, and intense vivid dreams that make me wake up crying. All this after just two days and yes I got them from the website Dr Oz recommended with no fillers. I also gained half a pound.

cosstreep 9 years ago

The only thing is more urination as well but not a 100% sure its from the beans cause i drink more water to flush out bad stuff as well

Posted 12 years ago

i am taking beta plavix lisinopril aspirin vitamin D and zocor to a stent my doctor does not have much info, is it safe for me

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Posted 12 years ago

WOW! yes I have been on it for a month now. I started feeling itching and tiredness since last week. so I stopped taken it. Itching and fatigue stopped. I started it again this week and itching is back. I am going to try and take it once every other day and see if it continues or stops. sincerely Candy

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Posted 12 years ago

Well I've taken GCBE 2x 800mg for two days, and right away I can tell my metabolism has improved, I've lost 2 pounds, and that's amazing to me. However, my sleep has been disturbed both nights, and I have random little itchy places all over my body. I am going to try just one capsule in the morning for a day or so and see if that makes a difference. I don't want to stop the weight loss!!

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Posted 12 years ago

they make me dizzy i only take one pill a day havent for a week though and now not dizzy, lost 5lbs while on it though. i think its lowering my blood sugar too low and that makes me dizzy i dont know.

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debormae 11 years ago

I've started becoming dizzy a few weeks ago. Now, along with that, I'm having severe headaches (I can hardly walk without stumbling). I took me two months to learn this is from the green coffee bean extract. It was a total waste of money..haven't lost an ounce and have missed the last two days of work because of it.

debormae 11 years ago

I've started becoming dizzy a few weeks ago. Now, along with that, I'm having severe headaches (I can hardly walk without stumbling). I took me two months to learn this is from the green coffee bean extract. It was a total waste of money..haven't lost an ounce and have missed the last two days of work because of it.

debormae 11 years ago

I've started becoming dizzy a few weeks ago. Now, along with that, I'm having severe headaches (I can hardly walk without stumbling). I took me two months to learn this is from the green coffee bean extract. It was a total waste of money..haven't lost an ounce and have missed the last two days of work because of it.

debormae 11 years ago

I've started becoming dizzy a few weeks ago. Now, along with that, I'm having severe headaches (I can hardly walk without stumbling). I took me two months to learn this is from the green coffee bean extract. It was a total waste of money..haven't lost an ounce and have missed the last two days of work because of it.

Posted 12 years ago

Regarding dizziness, I don't have that problem, only sleep disturbance and itchy-ness, but I am wondering if the dizziness is coming from lowered blood pressure, not blood sugar. I am hypertensive, and from monitering, I have noted a welcome lowering of my BP, but maybe some of you are getting too low of BP, thus the dizziness...

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Makani 12 years ago

Hi! When/if you get some feedback from other people, please share it. Both my blood pressure and blood sugar levels tend to be low, I'm afraid of being dizzy if I take this, but would like to know more. Thanks!

Nicky232807 10 years ago

I have even taking green coffee bean for a month at first I was getting weird feelin spells like dizziness and switched the brand I was taking and have had NO PROBLEMS AT ALL Now! I take sports research green coffee green svetol its great in two weeks with the other one I lost nothing with the sports research I lost 6 pounds in 9 days no side effects at all! I to sports an sign up for newsletter ull get a free two week supply!! DEFINITLY worth it!!

Posted 12 years ago

I have been taking it for two days now and am very accustomed to caffeine, but the gas and diareaha have been awful. I have not weighted myself, but hopefully I have good results.

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Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

Try the Saffron Extract that Dr. OZ recommened. No side effects and makes me feel full when eating.

Posted 12 years ago

I only have one kidney so I have to avoid certain drugs (ibuprofen,asprin,etc). can this product damage the kidney?

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vikdad1 12 years ago

Hi there. I am not a doctor, but I would really suggest not using this product until you have clarity. If you don't have access to a doctor, try using It is a service that allows you to ask questions directly to doctors, and get a personalized response.

janp1067 11 years ago

I have been taking 2 800mg tablets a day and the only side effect I seem to have is very frequent urination. Other than that I feel better than I have in years. Is this a side effect?

Posted 12 years ago

I take 800mg twice a day. When I started I felt fine, but now I am itching like crazy and for the past two days I have had diarrhea. I now have a headache on a daily basis and I feel very tired and weak. Yesterday was my last day of taking it (07/24/2012) because I don't like how it's making me feel.

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Posted 12 years ago

I started taking this 5 days ago 2x(200mg) and have experienced increasing dizziness, shortness of breath and a very painful stomach today. I also have had itching in spots that are rare for me. My husband only took two doses today and is already feeling dizzy. I have had trouble getting to sleep this week but thought it was due to being back at work from being on holidays. The fact that most of these things have shown up in other people makes me pretty certain that the GCBE is causing these symptoms. We are both on cholesterol regulation medicines so maybe it is reacting with them?

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Posted 12 years ago

Hi I just started taking GCBE this morning. The bottle said to take 2 capsules of 800mg. I just took one. I'm not sure how my body will react. However, I have also ordered Raspberry Ketone and was thinking when they come, I would like to take them both together. wondering if that would be ok? I see , I think others are doing it. Does it make you lose more weight faster? Cause, I am very desperate, but I don't want to die or damage anything

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vikdad1 12 years ago

Suzi. I can't speak to the raspberry ketone, but I think your decision to stick with one 800 mg pill is fantastic! Rushing into huge amounts of GCBE dosage is not a good idea, and if you look over the community symptoms in the comments section and the experiences section, you will notice many people have had issues with taking too much too soon. See how your body reacts, and go from there. Also, taking GCBE out of desperation is not a good thing! Make sure you are supplementing it with healthy foods and whatever exercise you can get! That is how it is going to be most effective! Thanks for sharing, let us know how it goes!

Posted 12 years ago

I am on thyroid medication after having a thyroidectomy 6 years ago. My blood pressure has begun to be a little on the high side. Thought the green coffee extract would help the blood pressure and lose weight as well. I have not been able to get above 2 400 milligrams a day and have been trying for weeks. I can take one and do ok, the second one 4 or 5 hours later and I get weak and trembly with occasional dizziness. The raspberry ketone causes terrible gas and bloating. Very disappointed that I can't take these. I have tried, stopped taking and tried again, lowering the dosage and it just does not work for me. I am not going to take any chances, I don't like the way it makes me feel.

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Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

I'm on Thyroid medication too. I tried this and jitters, couldn't sleep at night. Then tried the Saffron Extract 80mg. that Dr. Oz said is a Natural form of Sensa. It works much better, and no side effects. $20.

Posted 12 years ago

Remember that this drug is said to lower blood pressure and blood sugar, so nobody should be too surprised about dizziness.

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Posted 12 years ago

I've been taking GCBE for a few days. Started with one 400mg caplet once a day. Have moved to two caplets (800mg), once a day - no dizziness, itching, or diarrhea. Can't talk about headaches because I suffer with frequent headaches anyway. Have not lost any weight, though. Will go to 800mg twice a day, tomorrow. That's the dose I read was recommended.

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Posted 12 years ago

As a potiential GCBE user, I am hesitant due to heart surgery four years ago. A new valve and three bypasses. Could GCBE be harmful in this condition?

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Posted 12 years ago

As a potiential GCBE user, I am hesitant due to heart surgery four years ago. A new valve and three bypasses. Could GCBE be harmful in this condition?

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Posted 12 years ago

I just started GCBE taking 2 400mg tablets per day. I also take a strong probiotic since I have had 2 bouts of C-Diff. I'm having quite a bit of cramping, no diarrhea but loose stools. I'm wondering since both GCBE and Probiotic need to be taken at meals if that could increase the cramping.

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Posted 12 years ago

My son started taking GCBE about six days ago and he has been itching and this morning he woke up with large red bumps on his back. Each of his sides started hurting him about two days before the bumps showed up. I am very worried about this situation, he stopped taking GCBE today. Has anyone else had this problem?

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luggie 12 years ago

Sounds like shingles? How old is your son? Time for a doctors advice.

mcsj31 12 years ago

i don't think it is shingles coz shingles usually present as unilateral blisters that easily pops and painful and not just bumps. this could be an allergic reaction but it would be better to see a doctor

atthecampfire 12 years ago

After taking 2 400mg tablets a day on the 5th day I noticed red bumps and massive itching on my torso, under arms and below my breasts. Stopped taking the pills and 3 days later the rash started to go away. Now I just have very dry skin in the effected areas. Not going to continue taking this.

Posted 12 years ago

I have only been taking this GCBE since Sunday, but have noticed that my side ( in the liver area ) gets a pain off and this normal? I'm taking 2 capsules twice a day.

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Posted 12 years ago

I started it a week ago, one 800mg twice a day. Have lost a pound. Noted to cause some gas, bloating and mild cramps, nothing major, but a bout of very loose, almost yellow colored stools that appeared "oily" for want of a better word. As a nurse, I believes this helps the liver metabolize the fat in our diets, decrease fat absorption, and lower insulin/sugar levels. This may be the dizzy part some are feeling. My BP is a little lower than my norm, so I may be able to back off some of my meds if it drops further. As with any drug, GI side effects are common, and I am hoping they lessen as time goes on.

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vikdad1 12 years ago

Thanks for sharing these great insights!

nightsky65560 12 years ago

what meds do you take if I may ask? I am on 25 mg atenelol for tachycarfia and keppra for epilepsy. I just spent $20.00 at walmart for the pure health GCBE and rasberry keytones but am wondering if it would be safe witj my meds. Has anyone else taken these supplements while taking atenelol or keppra? If so what wS your side affects if any and results? you can email me at thanks

Posted 12 years ago

Yesterday, I started the green coffee bean extract that I found at Walmart: dosage 400 mg once a day(of the recommended 3 times daily). Thought I would ease into it. I have noticed a softened stool within 24 hours of my first dosage but I'm not sure if it was the huge salad I had or the GCBex or combination of the two. I am excited about the potential weight loss. Good luck everyone~ :)

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nightsky65560 12 years ago

How are your results on the GCBE?

shericw77 12 years ago

Make sure you buy the green coffee bean extract that has no additives. There is a green coffee bean extract pill at Wal-mart that is only about $3 per bottle. That is not the one I would suggest getting. The pure green coffee bean extract is the best, according to my research.

Posted 12 years ago

I just want to inform the public or anyone that is interested in taking this alternative to weight loss, that it is in fact an effective product as media and people have reported to say. However, there are side effects in take this Green Bean Extract, not like they have reported of having no side effects at all. I want clarify that this side effects only happen to about 1% of the people taking it. Why???--- Well, some of us (including myself)are sensitive to CAFFEINE. This is the reason why some people experience side effects and other don't. Most products of GBE have between 16 to 20 mg of pure caffeine, and even though it' s not a significant amount of caffeine to create all this side effects, it is really significant amount when some one is NOT used to consume coffee in a daily basis, specially taking 16-20 mg of caffeine in an empty stomach in the morning (like me!!). If you have any questions please search the Caffeine Side Effects web page. You might realize that some of the side effects that you are experiencing are due caffeine sensitivity. I have taken the GBE for 1 week, and 3 days in to it I started to experience dizziness in conjunction with light headcheness, and also to mention an increased of urine flow (a lot). I stop taking them after the 4th day because I felt that I was going to faint. I did lost 2 pounds in 3 days; however, the dizziness and the headaches was just too strong to continue, so I decided that I was going to take a 2-3 day break and start again, meanwhile trying to figure out what was going wrong. I thought many things, one that my blood pressure was too low, or that my mineral intake was also low. I came to the conclusion that the high amount of caffeine dosage I was consuming in the pills where the ones that where making me sick; it was just TOO HIGH. I was taking 2 of 800 mg, I should had started with a very low dosage. Two days have passed and I feel so much better, my headaches are going away slowly, but I will start again soon and this time with a very low dosage. === To everyone out there who is interested in trying this product please........ Start taking a smaller dosage, ...Not 2 of 800mg because you just don't know if you are caffeine sensitive; however, if you are used to drink coffee in a regular basis then I don't see any risk in taking 2 of 800mg. *Good Luck to everyone Hope this helps!!!!!! *

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Jeanieheiston 12 years ago

Thank you so much for posting this. I have been looking for some testimony from someone with regards to caffeine, since I am very sensitive to it.

luggie 12 years ago

I do drink coffee on a regular basis, in the first few days I cut back my coffee consumption to balance it out. I still found my bowel movements regular to diarrhea. I also found my IBS was better with most of my bowel pain improved or gone. My abdominal bloating was gone as well. No dizziness. After going off it for two days my bowels are not working as well and the bloating is back. I have lost 2.4lbs. My daughter has lost 10 in the same time frame. We have found that an increase of carb intake triggers diarrhea, while eating too many nuts causes excessive gas. For the IBS alone I would continue to take them but I do not know if I would recommend them to anyone else until more research is done on the.

arizonagirl7 12 years ago

I started having severe stomach pain and diarrhea as soon as I started the pills and I drink coffee everyday so that is not true only people who arent used to coffee will have side effects just not true I have been on them 6 days side effects getting better but I have gained 3 pounds not impressed at all

Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

If you are taking this for wieght loss, I would try Saffron Extract. No side effects and makes me feel full and eat less. This GBCE gives me jitters and I drink Espresso everyday. This Green Bean Coffee seems to stay in my system much longer than a regular 3 cups of coffee! I guess my body processes it differently as pill form?

allprosper 11 years ago

I believe what everyone is experiencing, in addition to reactions to the pills themselves, is symptoms of detoxification. Realize that the body "holds on to" toxins often in our fatty tissue. when you quickly metabolise unusual amounts of fat, you release these toxins into your system. you must start with very small doses in order to accommodate for this factor, and invest in a few things like a blood pressure monitor and a diabetic test kit even if you are not diabetic. keep a journal and take it easy on consuming more toxins while detoxing.

daizyrue2408 11 years ago

I agree with arizonagirl7. I do not have any issues with caffiene. I have taken this supplement as instructed and my upper torso began itching after 3 days. I am now at 2 weeks, have lost no weight, experience light headedness and itching (no visible rash). After 16 hours of not taking this supplement, my itching is starting to slowly decrease. This supplement does not work for me!

Posted 12 years ago

I have a severe case of rash red itchy bumps after 3 days of use. Very painful bumps all over my body. I don't think this treatment is worthy. Do not buy the product!!!

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bill21901 12 years ago

This stuff works I have lost over 30lbs in 2 months

Posted 12 years ago

I would like to know does anyone know if it will cause kidney stones if I am already prone to them? I Also have crohns disease will it cause me to have a flare up?

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Posted 12 years ago

I am glad I checked here. I have had sideaffects and thosught it wasjust me. I am diabetic and take cocktail of various meds to help it. After each dosage of 800 mg, I wouldexeperience cramping and diaherea. I attributed this to the metformin I take since it causes these same symptoms. I also have neuropathy and assumed it was acting up, not the GCBX. The itching appears to be intensified by the extract and the cramping and diaherea from the combo. I am going to try cutting back to 400mg once a day and see what happens. I have not had the opportunity to weigh my self yet (kind of hesitating) but I have to say I have seen a drop in belly fat and that means more to me than pounds lost. I am hoping that starting with a lower doscage may relieve the symptoms but it may not since the metformin can really play heck with your system. Sandman

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Posted 12 years ago


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Posted 12 years ago

So glad I found this sight! I have been taking GCBE for about a week now and have had diarrhea also. Glad to know that GCBE is most likely the cause since that seems to be the most common side effect. No complaint from me though since I tend to run the other way. I am also a coffee drinker so I am not having any other problems . One thing I am thinking of adding is milk thistle to help support liver function. This may also help those who are having problems with itching and rashes. Down 2 lbs already so I am happy with results so far.

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shericw77 12 years ago

That's great! As I'm reading all of these comments, I've noticed that no one has mentioned if they are taking these pills and dieting as well. I'd be curious to know.

Posted 12 years ago

I started taking 800 MG daily September 1st, within two days I was constipated. Started taking a stool softners to help, but now I am taking 4 stool softners a day & still constipated. My husband is having same simptons but not as bad. He has lost 8 pounds, myself 2 pounds.

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treegrl44870 12 years ago

I make my own green coffee bean extract pills ,I bought some green coffee beans and grind the beans up and put the ground cof. beans in capsules I bought on ebay for 100 for 3 dollars. I take 2 pills twice aday. It constipates me and makes me urinate alot

midgy1964 12 years ago

I had recurrent diarrhea PRIOR to taking GCBE, probably from a combination of not eating often enough and drinking too much cola. Once I started taking the GCBE the diarrhea has stopped. I did have a terrible case of bloating and gas for a few days, but that passed. My dosage has been 800mg before meals, twice daily (1600mg daily total).

I first bought the stuff from Nutritional Sciences. I lost nothing for two weeks and then dropped 5 pounds almost overnight. However, that slowly came back over the next couple weeks.

Yesterday I switched to the Nutrigold product. Now I'm constipated, and I haven't felt hungry even though I've eaten very little today. Yesterday I only took 800mg, because I only ate once: a bowl of chili and some tortilla chips, washed down with 4 glasses of beer over a 4-hour period at a pub. Today didn't take any GBCE before I had a ham sandwich on whole wheat bread with mayonnaise for lunch, and then forgot to take any before going out to a party where I ate a couple small pieces of grilled chicken, 3/4 cup baked beans with bacon, 1/2 cup mango salsa, a small brownie and 3 cans of Coke. It's now 2:15 a.m. and I'm not hungry and haven't pooped in 2 days.

Posted 12 years ago

I am hearing about a lot of rashes, diarrhea, and cramps.... besides these possible issue's are there any dangerous possible side affects from Green Bean Coffee? Did anyone have any suggnificant weight lose in two weeks to a month? Also I was told taking it with a Colon Cleanse gave you the best weightless results....has anyone done this combination?

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Posted 12 years ago

Hi, I am starting my GCBE tomorrow - I have one coffee per day, so I think I will start with one 800mg/day for one month, and depending how it goes, increase to two. Thank you for all the comments - very helpful.

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jcsteinke43 12 years ago

First off I am concerned about people buying what they refer the cheaper product at Walmart and taking whatever dose they decide. You buy it at GNC pure and you take two a day with meals. The truth is I normally take water pills for swollen feet and I am on my third week of taking it as instructed. I am 69 and am 80 pounds overweight. The amount of caffeine is lower than one cup. Results after 2 weeks, without dieting and with no exercise? I have energy, no swelling, and the weight loss is seven pounds, but NO changing doses, read directions, and if you buy a cheap copy you are not buying GNC pure , read directions will you?

nightsky65560 12 years ago

/jcsteinke43 I understand your concerns about buying "the cheaper" product at walmart, yet you tell people to buy the pure gcbe at gnc. Walmart does carry pure gcbe from pure health with no other ingrefients and fillers that other manufacturers put in them. My thing is that any manufacturer can lie about what is in products and the FDA allows this so my opinion is research the manufactures the best you can about quality and ibgredients and talk to peoplehas actually used these products. The truth is it does not matter where supplements are sold or who manufacturers them, youcann still get decent quality even with cheaper brands. just read ingrefients. Ive read comments from people paying alot more money for so xalled more expensive brands that still had some types of side effects. that just goes to show that even more expensive brands considered pure isnt always the best either. In my opinion everyones body is different and will react in different wats depending on pure ingredients and or how the body reacts to supplements. some have side effects some dont. some have weight loss some dont.

Jeanieheiston 12 years ago

Thank you!

jojoa67 12 years ago

The name for GCBE is Svetol which is what the Walmart brand has. If you're not taking Svetol it's not chlorogenic acid.

townsen6 11 years ago

I am taking the P hytogenix ultimate green coffee bean svetol . will that really help me to lose the weight

Posted 12 years ago

Hi I was wondering if the GCBE cause death or anything serious in your pancreas. Please repley ASAP thanx:)

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Posted 12 years ago

Hi I have hypoglycemia and a really low metabolism. I shouldn't drink coffee, but have about 3 cups a day. What do you know about GCBE effects on diabetics and hypoglycemics?

Thank you!

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Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

don't take this. Jitters, headaces, gas, just some side effects. Take Saffron Extract. I've tried the Saffron and the Green Coffee combo and it was terrible and didn't make me feel as full either. Dr. Oz also suggested Saffron 80mg. to control food portions. I've had no bad side effects, and I drink a lot of coffee with no problems on the Saffron, unlike the Green Coffee.

Posted 12 years ago

I have low blood pressure. Average 90/60 max. Should I not take GCBE?

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oni.ahammad 12 years ago

Please, talk with doctor about this. Its safe but not enough.

Posted 12 years ago

Ended up in the emergency room with horrible rashes on the torso of my body. Be careful of the hidden ingredients.

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REDBL123 12 years ago

Went to ER TODAY, today was first day I took 2 pills, started last week and only had 1 pill in morn and 1 in evening. rash, itchy and today my lower lip tingled my throat swelled, got scary and now on benedryl, steroids for a week, but I will go back to taking 1 pill,it does suppress my appepitite and if that continues giving me reactions then for sure I will stop taking, it just may not be for everyone.

ashley.ward24 12 years ago

Im also having rashes o my legs. Im wondering if I should stop taking it.

Posted 12 years ago

Was wondering if anyone experienced a sensitive tongue? Somewhat similar to eating too much acid but not nearly as irritating. Noticed the comments about rashes/bumps and wonder if perhaps that is how mine are showing up. Also taking Sensa. Have stopped everything and will resume Sensa first and then start taking the Green Coffee Bean capsules again to see if it shows back up. I am purchasing a brand I sort of was able to determine from a comment on

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angelface7274 11 years ago

I have been suffering from a really sore tongue on and off for some time and am beginning to see a connection between it and green coffee. I realised that when it first became sore, I was drinking green coffee. Some time after I stopped, it went away and I thought nothing more of it. However, I recently started taking green coffee capsules and have noticed it back again. As it is the only really change in my diet, etc, it seems logical to conclude it is the cause.

Posted 12 years ago

Anyone make there own extract? The only instructions I can find are: 2oz green beans, 12 oz water, boil, simmer 15, refrigerate. one ounce in A.M. and one ounce in P.M.

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Posted 12 years ago

was wondering I'm taking GCBE but I also take pain pills muscle relaxers and valium for a neck and back injury curious if any side affects or may decrease the affects of my medication, I am having the itching on my stomach,I also have ulceritive collitus and I take potassium and a multi vitamin also i have edema(retaining of water and swell up)will contact my DR.but if anyone knows please let me know thanks

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Posted 12 years ago

Wow I thought I was crazy until now. I am caffeine sensitive as well as low bp. I started with only one 400mg a day. Had severe diarrhea, dizziness, and fatigue. After my second week on same dosage, I am only suffering from fatigue. I think starting out gradually is best and up-Ing dosage as I go is the best. I also forgot to mention the frequent urination.

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Posted 12 years ago

I tend to have high blood pressure. How will this effect it. I do drink coffee sometimes and that does not seem to effect my BP. I have about 40 pounds to loose by my daughters wedding in March so really need to find something that works. Any input would be greats. Thanks Marianne

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Posted 12 years ago
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Posted 12 years ago

Are you taking the pills with 10 oz of water 30 minutes before each meal? This is the best way. Also, make sure you are taking the pure green coffee bean extract with no additives. This takes research as there are several things out there to try but the one that is said to work is the one without additives. Check Dr. Oz's website for a video about this.

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Posted 12 years ago

Well, no one else has commented on my issue...after three days of 200 mg 3x daily, my finger tips, knuckle up, are all a shade of gray (no tingling or numbness)...looks like I've been handling newspapers a lot. I also get a taste of tin or metal in my mouth for a couple of hours after taking it. I take metformin and glipizide daily. Anyone else having this kind of reaction?

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REDBL123 12 years ago

I get only tingling and numbess on my lips, slight headaches also get dry mouth and metal mouth, drinking lots of water should help with bad taste eventually, I hope. good luck

daniellitsa 12 years ago

Hi there,

i've been taking gcbe for about 2 weeks and noticed that my fingertips are bluish - grey....Maybe we should stop taking it?

Posted 12 years ago

I am a 48 year old female in good health and have been taking the pure form (no fillers and with 48% chloregenic acid) of GCBE twice a day (800 mg each dose) with 10 oz of water for 3 weeks now. I have not changed my diet and continue a semi regular exercise program 2-3 times a week. I have had a rash (large red bumps) on my chest and stomach off and on since starting the GCBE. I started getting almost daily headaches beginning with the 3rd week. I have also been very bloated and gassy since day 2 or 3. No diarrhea or constipation, just regular bowel movements and NO loss of weight. In fact I have actually GAINED 4 pounds since starting the GCBE.

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Shail 12 years ago

Add i/8 tsp baking soda in 32 OZ of water to make it Alkaline. Drink 1 cup in morning as you wakeup 1 cup before going to bed 1 cup half hr. before lunch and before dinner.

REDBL123 12 years ago

jw, why do we need Alkaline?

Posted 12 years ago

I am a 48 yr old female,I am not caffine sensative. I started taking GCBE 4 days ago, 2 800mg tablets/ day (1 in am w/ big glass of water and another mid afternoon. I have lost 2 #'s. Starting 3 days ago I have had a constant dull/achey pain in my lower abdomin, with occasional cramps, bloating and soft to somewhat loose stools. My first thought was that I was having ovarian/ cervical problems or a bladder infection. I decided to look up side effects of GCBE and after looking at several websites, I found this forum. After reading most of the comments I think I will try 1 tablet a day for a week and see if the issues go away. I have not had any problems with itching or rashes. Thanks for all the comments.

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Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

If you are taking this for wieght loss, try a safer, and I think a more effective supplement Dr. Oz recommended. Saffron Extract. I had a bad reaction of this Coffee Green. I went back to the Saffron Only version after I tried the Green coffee/saffron combo pack. I will stick to Saffron that makes me eat less and feel full. No jitters, headaces, gas, insomnia. Yes, I can drink my cappuccino with Saffron, but not the Green Coffee. It it works for some people great. Those are people not sensitive to Caffine supplements, that I found are much different than drinking the brewed coffee. I think its the way our body processes the caffine.

Posted 12 years ago

I am a 48 yr old female,I am not caffine sensative. I started taking GCBE 4 days ago, 2 800mg tablets/ day (1 in am w/ big glass of water and another mid afternoon. I have lost 2 #'s. Starting 3 days ago I have had a constant dull/achey pain in my lower abdomin, with occasional cramps, bloating and soft to somewhat loose stools. My first thought was that I was having ovarian/ cervical problems or a bladder infection. I decided to look up side effects of GCBE and after looking at several websites, I found this forum. After reading most of the comments I think I will try 1 tablet a day for a week and see if the issues go away. I have not had any problems with itching or rashes. Thanks for all the comments.

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Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

Take Saffron Extract instead! . Dr. Oz for info.

Posted 12 years ago

Ok, I am 50yrs old and put on weight for the first time in my life when I hit the menopause to reach 155 pounds. I eat whole food and I walk and do yoga regularly. I don't believe in diet pills but I decided to try the GCBE since two weeks ago. I bought it from GNC and it is 800mg, so I decided to take two caps a day! No serious side effects but I have some mild pain in the liver side! NO weight loss whatsoever! I am going to continue to give it the benefit of the doubt..

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ayeshakhaliq705 12 years ago

I am 20 years old and I have been using GCBE for about one month.I use two cups per day I am feeling that I am loosing my weight.I am happy now because I am again enjoying healthy life.But I am feeling some side effects like weekness in my body but I prefer GCBE because it is good for life I am still using it and I will continue it.

Posted 12 years ago

I am 42 yrs and I have been taking pure GCBE for about 6 weeks. I have lost around 12lbs so far. In addition I am drinking 2 large glasses of fresh squeezed lemon in water. Another thing I'm doing is taking 1/ 1000 mg cinnamon in the morning only. (By sundown Naturals. I am so happy that my clothes ar e starting to look good on me again. Just bought two more bottles and definately plan to continue. By the way I dont feel like I'm hungry hardly at all and when I eat I haven't even been eating super healthy either. Ie pizza a couple of times and even a few hamburgers. I do try to limit snacking to differant kinds of seeds, nuts and fruit though.

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daralsalam123 12 years ago

hi tfontenot24, did you start losing weight the first week you started taking GCBE ? or did it took some time for the weight loss to kick in and how long exactly? thank you!

Posted 12 years ago

I finally started noticing a difference in how my clothes fit after about 4 weeks. I was only taking 2/ 4oo mg in the morning for that time period though. Now I am doing two in the morning before breakfast and two at night before dinner. I probably slowed my progress by taking only two in the morning but I believe it helped my body to adjust to adding it to my diet. I haven't experienced any of the side affects that other people have described having. Good Luck!

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daralsalam123 12 years ago

tfontenot24, thank you so much for answering my question!

Posted 12 years ago

Add 1/8 tsp baking soda in 32 OZ of water to make it Alkaline. Drink 1 cup in morning as you wakeup, 1 cup before going to bed, 1 cup half hr. before lunch and before dinner.

For diet eat chicken, vegetables and lot of salads. Hope this will help loose wight and no side effects. It will cost not a penny. Health will improve definately.

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Posted 12 years ago

I take insulin so i started taking GCBE to lower sugar levels but no such luck. I walj 2.2 miles 6 days a week have low carb diet but instead my sugar levels have risen. Has anyone had any results that actualy lowered ur daily sugar levels? I have been on this for about 3weeks

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Posted 12 years ago

h2n68, I think you should try Cinnamon supplements instead to help support a healthy blood sugar metabolism. It is proven since ancient times that when Cinnamon is taken in any form helps maintain normal blood sugar. Add Organic ground Cinnamon to your tea, coffee, or just use it to sweeten your oatmeal on daily basis!

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Posted 12 years ago

Thank you for the advice. I have heard about cinnamon. I just have to research how much per day

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mloborny 12 years ago

I did a bit a research to figure out how much cinnamon to use, and came up with a minimum of 1 teaspoon daily to have any benefit. Mixing it in with my daily yogurt seems to be an easy tasty way to consume it (peach or apple flavors seem best).

Posted 12 years ago

All of this is help ful I a very resistant to taking medication so I will start this program andprayfor thebest results

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Posted 12 years ago

Been taking GCBE 800mg twice a day for 4 week nowe, the other day welts and itchiness appeare all over my upper body.The welts disappeared after several hours. I thought I was bitten by mosquitos.

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Posted 12 years ago

Has anyone had blood work done since taking green coffee beans? I ask because six months ago I started taking a diet supplement called "thin and skinny" and was unaware this supplement raised my potassium level so high I was on the verge of having a heart attack and didn't know it (my weight is within normal range, I eat healthy and exercise 4-5x week). I discovered this change in my blood during a physical exam, which I did not pass due to this condition. My point is that we all should be careful because we could do damage to our bodies without knowing it in the long run. I had no side effects while taking this supplement and was completely shocked when my doctor's office called me to in his office to 'stat." Just because a supplement has a natural base doesn't mean it won't have adverse side effects in the long run, especiallyh since there are no long term or broad studies. I hope people are careful. Liver and kidney damage is nothing to play with. BTW, does anyone know if weight loss using pure green coffee bean extract is water weight or actual fat loss? If it is fat loss, I guess the product works on the liver and kidney in order to help the body shed fat, does any one know how it rids fat from the body?

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etgras 12 years ago

I have had liver enzymes go up...after being on GBCE for 4 weeks. Then retested a couple of days ago after eight weeks went by. Was off the beans for 8 weeks and the enzymes have not gone back to normal. So was the side effect the GCBE or just a coinsident? I don't know...but there are too many S/E on here to fool around with this stuff I think. The liver works overtime, pushing fat through.

Posted 12 years ago

jijcom1....Thank you for the input with your post. I said before on here that I was on the GCBE for 5 weeks and last week had my physical with complete blood work. My liver enzymes were sky high and I had no side effects. It's true if you don't have blood work done with compete panels no one knows whats going on in your body. We have only one liver and I'm sure it was overloaded with the fats that this product is supposed to breaking up. I'm sad because I had lost 5 1/2 pounds with my regular walking and no diet.

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Posted 12 years ago

jijcom1, etgras, thank you for your input, I've been on GCBE for almost 5 weeks so far and no weight loss at all. I feel mild pain in my liver side specially when I take the pill. I am on 800 twice a day! I am very concerned now that I am damaging my liver with this "natural" drug !! May be I should just discontinue taking them right away! I bought mine from GNC.

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etgras 12 years ago

I will let you know how they are in 7 weeks (LE) as I will get retested then. If I were you, having pain in the side of the liver I'd either asked for a liver panel test or go off.Having had breast cancer 5 years ago my Onco get a little 'wacked' when he sees this happening.

daralsalam123 12 years ago

thank you! etgras for the input, I stopped taking them today and I haven't felt any pain !! I am vegetarian, My diet is sugar and gluten free for almost a year so far but I just can not lose weight. I checked every thing, hormones, thyroid, and everything seems normal. I have some 20 pounds to lose.

etgras 12 years ago

So can anyone come up with a reason of 'how or why' the liver enzymes may be effected from this natural extract? I haven't found anything on the Web that there have s/e's. Of course this has not been tested long enough, I understand that.

Posted 12 years ago
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Posted 12 years ago

I have been reading here that a lot of people have problems of 'itching' while taking GCBE. I did some resourch on elevated liver enzymes and a common side effect of EL enzymes is itchy skin. So, maybe it's not the GCBE that's causing the itching but....maybe it's the result of elevated liver enzymes cause by taking these capsules.Nobody knows what the liver is doing without tests. I too was itching but when I had a blood test and The Dr. noticed the rise in liver enzymes, I'm 100% sure that is what is causing the itch. If you go on the Web and google S/E of high liver enzymes one of the first things that will come up is 'itching of the skin'

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Posted 12 years ago

I heard when taking GCBE you should also take a trace mineral vitamin, is this true and if so would you recommend the all natural Hawaiian Spirulina

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Posted 12 years ago

Almost a thousand dollars later I find this site. I too purchased the GCBE and started taking half the prescribed amount (one 800 mg tablet a day prior to my meal). Within that same week I started experience severe cramping/diarrhea, headaches, and mild itching. I stopped taking the pills approximately one week after I started but the symptons continued. After two weeks of this I went to the doctor and was told to leave the supplement along until she could figure out what was happening. All symptons stopped approximately three weeks after I stopped taking the pills. I could have saved a thousand dollars had I done my homework.

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Posted 12 years ago

It was my first time ever I used pills for weight loss! and GCBE is absolutely useless and it comes with many side effects! I used to lose weight when I just reduce my portion...but alas, those old days are long gone. Now after I hit the menopause it is impossible to lose weight even if I ate near to nothing and exercised daily !! does any woman here have such problem? please advise!

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Shellytluv 12 years ago

How long did you use GCBE

daralsalam123 12 years ago

I finished the first bottle of 60 pills and after that I decided to give it up! I am glad I didn't damage my liver because I heard and read so many stories about horrible long term side effects that GCBE might cause! GCBE is another scam that unfortunately so many desperate people like myself are buying into!

etgras 12 years ago

Can't find any negative stuff on the web. What site were you in?

Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

Dr. Oz also suggested Saffron Extract 80mg as a Natural alternative to Sensa. I tried it and it works so much better at control appetite without the side effects. I don't think it "sheds fat", but it make you eat less and feel fuller. No side effects like the terrible ones I got from the Coffee Bean Green. I drink a lot of coffee too, so It must be the way my body processes this supplement.

Posted 12 years ago

42year old, never drank coffee before. Started taking GCBE 5 weeks ago (2)400mg pills a day svetol/Vitamins World. Absolutely incredible how much my appetite has tapered off, I eat lots of salads..however high cravings for sugar:-(Have lost 5lbs but my belly is very bloated. I plan to visit Dr. for full blood panel. No other side effects if everything checks out at the Dr. This may be my magic pill

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etgras 12 years ago

Shellytluv, please advise us as to how your blood panel turned out.This is how I found out about the liver enzymes being affected.I'm off of the GCBE until I get another blood test. Have to make sure it gets out of my system.

Shellytluv 12 years ago

Blood panel completed and yes liver enzymes were higher than normal. Please note: I stopped taking GCBE about a week before the blood panel because the swelling in my belly was alarming!!!

etgras 12 years ago

I go back for a followup blood test in one week from yesterday. I'll let you know if the liver enzymes went down again. Been off of GCBE for 7 weeks now.

Shellytluv 12 years ago

Thanks I look forward to your update

etgras 12 years ago

Shellyluv. got my test results back this afternoon and the liver enzymes have not gone down from Oct. Now I have been off of the GBCE for 8 weeks. Dr. won't be in till Wed. What did your Dr. say about your raise in enzymes? Do you retest or what?

Posted 12 years ago

There are 8 negative comments for every positive comment. Buyer beware.

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lorealpreference8g 11 years ago

hi, i am almost 70 yrs old and have been taking green coffee bean for 3 wks. wish i had a phone number to call.. I lost 3 lbs the first wk. now i have gained back 2. i use treadmill every day feel constipated and wondering why i haven't lost like everyone else.

Posted 12 years ago

I am 70 yrs old and have experiencing bad hot flashes. I have been taking one 800mg two times per day. I am on meds for type 2 diabetes , high BP, high cholesterol, clinical depression, and I take synthroid for a thyroid proplem(dont know if hyper or hypo).I am about 15 lbs overweight but my main reason for trying green cooffee extract is to allieviate some of my letheragy. Have any of you experienced hot flashes.

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jahasaphire 11 years ago

Synthetic Synthroid medication is for hypothyroidism...I've been taking it since my twenties...I had a tumor removed when I was 6 which caused hyperthyroidism, but reversed later..which is common. I am very over weight now & in my mid sixties... I will try the Saffron but not the green-bean coffee extract. It sounds as if the latter will definitely leave an unhealthy adverse effect upon the safe. By the way.. you should converse with your doctor about your lethargy, you may need an adjustment(s) to your synthyroid medication to find the correct dosage which can sometimes take awhile...everyone is different! Good luck...Janet

Posted 12 years ago
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Posted 12 years ago

[link text] [1] Very important article for all who interesting on Green Coffee Bean Extract Side Effects. It is most useful to known about Green Coffee Bean Extract Side Effects then it will help to protect their health condition.

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etgras 12 years ago

Got to the site but saw nothing about side effects. just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. where do you go once you are in the site?

Posted 12 years ago

It is really a good thing. In human trials, no significant adverse effects have been seen. In many studies that showed promising result in reducing blood pressure, no serious side effects. It is very effected with weight loss.

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Posted 12 years ago

It is really a good thing. In human trials, no significant adverse effects have been seen. In many studies that showed promising result in reducing blood pressure, no serious side effects. It is very effected with weight loss.

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Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

Many studies are Bias. Especially when it comes to wieght loss products. How many wieght loss supplements get removed from the shelves? A lot, and this one should list possible side effects. Bad Caffine Pill, is what it is.

Posted 12 years ago

Would it be wise to use the green coffee bean extract to simply detox my poor liver as I have contracted Hep A, B, and C ?

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rlott0193 12 years ago

Consult with your Dr. about Milk Thistle. There is a massive amount of info online. I personally think everyone should add MT to their daily supplement routine. Good luck!

Posted 12 years ago

hi guyz My Name is Kate Mattias and I am regularly taking green coffee beans medicine. I lost 15 Punds in 4 weeks. Wow it is very effective and impressive for me. I am really happy to use this product and I share this product to my friends and all people

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jess34 11 years ago

what is the dosage you take?

Posted 12 years ago

ya,its very useful and effective for us...


Max William

Website / URL :

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Posted 12 years ago

I started reading about the benefits of green smoothies and I found out that most of americans are live food deprived (greens) so I finally bought Vitamix blender and it's been life changing experience...I feel and look my best since I was in my 20s...It is a true miracle, literally !! educate yourself about the benefits of green smoothies from healing all kinds of illnesses to losing weight the healthy way to having a glowing face!!

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Shellytluv 12 years ago

I just can't get into making my own smoothies, wish I knew a place that made them fresh

Posted 12 years ago

I've been taking GCBE for 5 days and I've had severe bloating. Is that normal?

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Posted 12 years ago

No that's not normal although one gal had that happen on this thread. She has gone off of it.I don't think this has been tested long enough to what all the side effects really are.

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Posted 12 years ago

A month ago a bought GCB @ Walmart, took almost the whole bottle and didn't have any results. I went to GNC almost 3 weeks ago and bought GCB, the instructions was to take 1 tablet in the morning and one in the afternoon. I usually only take 1 tablet in the morning with 2 Raspberry Ketone tablets, which in 2 weeks I lost about 6 lbs. I noticed I had a very strong urge to have a bowel movement and it would be a squirt of yellowish to clear mucus the first week, then the urge was like severe diarrhea cramps and I would go to the bathroom and I would pass gas and mucus and a small normal turd. So I haven't taken any for the last 4 days to see if this would quit, which it didn't, then I took a dosage this morning and today the symptoms were more severe and I passed a heavy amount of mucus and it was tinged with blood and this happened twice. Could GCB be the cause of these symptoms, or could it of aggravated something else or could this be signs of cancer? If anyone knows I would like to hear from you as soon as possible. I did take a picture with my phone if it would help.

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Posted 12 years ago

I have been on these pills for 6 days the diarrhea and stomach pain is going away they are not as severe as it was. I eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water I don't consume more than 1500 calories a day yet I have gained 3 pounds I don't understand why??? and why do they say no side effects???? I will finish the bottle but I'm not impressed at all

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Jenniferfordham 12 years ago

Saffron Extract 80mg. Dr. OZ. no side effects. makes you feel full. It works. Caffine pills of any kind just cause side effects for me, and I drink a lot of Lattes from Starbucks. I was very disapointed with this, and after reading these posts, it is confirmed.

Posted 12 years ago

I really need to know if this will cause me to fail a drug test. Ive recently purchased a bottle of this product and want to commit to the diet plan I have outlined but need to know for sure before I start.

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Posted 12 years ago

On the days that I took only ONE of the green coffee extract I experienced later in the day - loose stools,cramping,nausea, and sour stomach. I always drink coffee in the morning and sometimes later in the day and never have an issue with that amount of caffeine but with taking these pills they gave me the above symptoms. I don't know if it is the combination of the two cups of coffee PLUS the green coffee pills or just that the pills itself do not agree with me. All I know is that I'm stopping them because I do NOT like how I'm feeling when I do take them!!!

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Posted 12 years ago

I've been feeling really awful when taking these pills and I used to drink coffee quite a bit. I've only been on this for two days and have been taking 800mg twice a day. I have terrible stomach aches, gas and headaches. I feel so sick and I don't know why. I've also been taking spirulina and and GNC's Women's Ultra Mega energy and metabolism pills. I'm going to cut out the spirulina and hope that helps. My mom who is 52 seems to not have any problems. I'm 19 and barely even take aspirin. Should I be worried?

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Posted 12 years ago

I tried the Saffron Extract/ Green Coffee combo thinking it would have better results. Wrong! It gave me side effects that I can't tolerate, and I found it doesn't even cut my appetite. So, I'm back to ONLY the Saffron Extract 80mg, and no side effects, and it makes me feel full. Caffine pills are just bad. Stick to DRINKING coffee, it's processed in a natural way in your body. This is my opinion. Dr. might have some more info, thats where I learned about the Saffron. Natural alternative to Sensa.

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Posted 12 years ago

I have been on the green coffee bean extract for 1 1/2 weeks now. I drink 1 cup of coffee per day but after taking 1 pill 3 times a day 1/2 hr before a meal. I am experiencing severe heart burn and acid reflux systems, something I never had before. It is to the point that I had to get a prescription from the doctor as tums just would not take the symptoms away. I am sure that this extract is the cause. Anyone else had this problem.

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mahedgecorth 12 years ago

Yes. I have taken two months worth, once a day. My stomach is churning when I start to eat, and is uncomfortable and acid feeling, with a little reflux. My chiropractor says it is the coffee bean extract. I did lose 2 to 3 inches in my abdomain and waist. I will stop after my bottle is gone and see what changes.

Posted 12 years ago

Thanks for your feedback. i will stay off for a few days and try with a lower dosage. i too had the churning stomach. Glad to hear that it did work by taking inches off the stomach and waist.

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Posted 12 years ago

I have been taking the capsules for 2 weeks now, and have gained 5 lbs. No other side effects, and have not changed my calorie intake. I have even been very faithful using the treadmill in the morning. Is it possible that this is a adverse reaction, or should I continue and hope that it reverses, and cut my losses now?

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tharp 11 years ago

I too have gained five pounds since taking them. I incline walk on my treadmill 5 times a week, use my Total Gym 3 times a week, and take a yoga class once a week. Also watch what I eat. I am also taking Moringa and Raspberry Ketones. Cutting them out one at a time to see which is the culprit. I have also been very constipated since I started this supplement regiment.

lorealpreference8g 11 years ago

i also have not lost weight. 3 wks now and wondering why I'm not losing like everyone els. im on the treadmill every morning. maybe its because i'm almost 70

Posted 11 years ago

I just started today..did notice loose stool but I don't drink coffee because of the same reaction..I bought mine at Sam's I think after reading these post I should start with 800 vs. 1600...I suffer from migraines has anyone been getting them just I little concern I also take beta blockers if anyone has info would really appreciated.

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Posted 11 years ago

People listen to yourself, you are making yourself miserable, possibly putting your health at risk to lose a few pounds!!! Throw the stuff out!

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Posted 11 years ago

Debkevcalvin, I agree. I just returned my bottle for a full refund. Severe stomach spasms only after 3 days of one 800mg pill a day did me in. The stomach spasms/equal to short contractions lasted for 3 more days after I stopped the pills. Now I'm better and my wallet is better off too.

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lorealpreference8g 11 years ago

after 3 wks haven't lost and feel constapated. How did you send yours back and get refund. Wish i had a phone # to call

Posted 11 years ago

I have temporal lobe epilepsy and take lamictal 225 mg twice a day. I also take levothyroxin 50mg once a day (hypothyroidism). I want to lose weight. Could GCBE affect these medications?

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Posted 11 years ago

shellytluv and etgras, i was searching for info on gcbe and came across your posts. I have been off of gcbe for 4 weeks as a result of bumps and rashes that i still have today. I am worried that it has effected my liver too. Please post and give a follow up

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Posted 11 years ago

Wow, after reading these comments I'm a little upset that I didn't look into the side effects before ordering, the dr. oz show made it seem so safe and affective. I ordered ALOT to get a better deal. I already suffer from acid reflux and hypothyroid (I take Levothyroxin)I feel cheated at this point. I was so excited to get it in the mail I followed all the guide lines to get the best one. I am going to try 800mg Once a day and see what happens...I did take one pill so far and did notice a little cramping that passed quickly. Hope I can post later with great results :(

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Posted 11 years ago

Not sure if this works but just warning everybody here NOT to order these pills from the website I order from them and they way over charged my account and then tried to pull some shady stuff in regards to why. I then told them that I would send the pills back and that I just wanted my money back. Well I have sent them back and have heard NOTHING from them. They "warned" me that the packages get lost a lot by the post office. I think they are a scam so just be warned!

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alize1992 11 years ago

i did order from the same company but i got it straight away

Posted 11 years ago

Has anyone taken the green coffee bean extract more than 12 weeks? Was longer than 12 weeks effective? Are people able to keep the weight off once they lost it this way?

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Posted 11 years ago

HI THERE i just ordered GCBX and RASPBERRY KETONE but i am not quite sure about raspberry ketone as on the other ingredient it shows gelatin ,can i just take GCBX on daily routine rather thn combining both supplements

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Posted 11 years ago

I had severe itching after 4 days of taking Garcinia Cambogia. It works on a similar basis as gcbx. When I called to return it, they said I was probably allergic to it. After reading all the input here, i'm thinking it was caused by my liver being worked to hard. So now i've just changed my mind about trying gcbx.

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Posted 10 years ago

Hello, I am currently taking garcinia cambogia with green tea extract, chromium picolinate, and raspberry keytones. I just had my blood work done the other day, and I will let you know if my liver panels are up. I am experiencing problems with the itching all over my trunk and legs and my head. I am frightened that I may have caused a problem with my health. Perhaps I am just allergic...that would be best, right? So in the two recommended capsules, that do curb my appetite is 400 mcg chromium picolinate, 1,800 mg of garcinia cambogia, green coffee beans 800 mg, and raspberry keytones 100mg. This says two capsules three times a day 30 to 45 minutes before each meal. No, mention of water!! No wonder I am itching up a storm! I will try to get back to the forum with my liver panel results, after March 18th. I have been taking only two to three capsules a day....I did suspect it was too much!! Wow. Thanks

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Posted 10 years ago

Most articles coffee only contains positive and negative effects. In my article, I formulate detailed ways to distinguish how the positive effects of coffee and how the negative effects of coffee. Coffee is the energy surged . Coffee caffeine beneficial to the body as the brain and nerve stimulant and improve performance and concentration. Then the reaction of the body to feel warm and light / relaxed. But caffeine has added additional scent (essence) will be cafestol. Cafestol is a chemical compound that can increase cholesterol levels in the body. So we have to wisely choose caffeinated coffee good for the body. How to differentiate coffee bean / coffee powder (without essence) conducted oral / mouth without brewed. Take a little coffee entered the mouth, the result still feel the taste of coffee, savory bitterness, not swallowed rough. For smokers smoke so lightly. Conversely coffee bean / coffee powder mixed with artificial scent (essence), the result is very bitter, not feel the taste of coffee, swallowed rough. For smokers do not benefit. The conclusion by knowing the guidelines of natural coffee drink in the stomach will feel safe and secure for blood pressure, do not make trouble sleeping, not addicted, emotionally stable.

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Posted 10 years ago

Does it effect the menstruation ?

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Posted 10 years ago

Hi... I've been taking GCBE for just over a week now and since starting it's painful and difficult to swollow with my glands feeling quite swolen. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm aware this may not be related but I thought I'd check.

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Posted 10 years ago

Hi All, Whoever has taken the WOW GCBE, I can see there is Weight Loss, but there is also some side effects like Diarrhea, Head aches, Gas Troubles, Itching Problems, Please recommend if there are any severe adverse side effects to the Heart, Create Cancer, Diabetes, Liver Misfinction or Kidney Failure or Stones, or any Brain Disorder. Please post your effects after using the WOW Gree Coffee Bean Extract after 2 months minimum, And let me know How much Pounds you have lost. Most importantly is this GCBE must be continued life long ?

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Posted 9 years ago


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Posted 9 years ago

hi em feeling pain in my stomach or body after taking green coffee..what s reason behind it? is there is any side effect?

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Posted 9 years ago

Hi there, has anyone experienced hair thinning whilst taking green coffee bean or garcinia cambola

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Posted 8 years ago

My husband of six years left me for another girl because I accuse him of seeing another girl and since then i have been trying to get him but he refuse to come back to me, he was not responding to my call or emails and he even unfriend me on face-book and he told me that he is done with me. i was searching on the internet for help and i saw a testimony of how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so i decided to give it a try and i contacted dr emua and i explained my problems to him and he cast a love spell for me and guarantee me of 2 days that my ex will come back to me and to my greatest surprise the third day a great miracle fell on me and my husband came back to me and he beg me for forgiveness, dr emua you are just the best, i will continue to publish his name because he is my Savior, we are now one big happy and united family. If you need his help you can Email him @ or for easy and fast communication you can also call or add him on whats-app with this number +2347063628174

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Posted 7 years ago

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $500,000.00US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Alhaji Terry, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK,Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email : Need Geniune Donors Waiting for your responds…. Best Regards…. Dr Terry Contact ;+917507536387

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Posted 7 years ago

Hi ive been taking it for a week, and for the past 3days, ive been having muscle pain on my arms. I am not taking other medication or supplements. Im a 52 yearold woman. Should i consult my doctor?

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Posted 4 years ago

Greetings to the general public, i want to inform the general public how i was cured of HERPES Simplex Virus by a Doctor called Dr AKERE. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Doctor Dr AKERE cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, i am a free person now without problem, my HERPES result came out negative. I pray for you Dr AKERE God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being a sincere and great man. Am so happy, he is also specialize in treatingCancer,HIV/AidsHepatitis you can also contact him if you have any problem on his Email Address at=== drakereherbalcure@gmail you can visit his website at blog: DR AKERE is indeed i true healer and a great man. You can contact him on WHATSAPP FOR EASY ACCESS at +2348070670337

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