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Experiences with Homeopathy

5 people have experienced Homeopathy. Have you?

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3 people have tried Homeopathy 2 people have prescribed Homeopathy
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Posted 13 years ago

I am a homoeopathic doctor since 26 years. Sucessful treatments are many. I am very hopeful that in the coming years homoeopathy treatment will spread throughout world, because of its result and service to the poor people .

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Posted 12 years ago

Though our scientists may not yet understand how homeopathy works, I have personally found that it works quite well. In fact, homeopathy may be more effective than flu shots. In the deadly flu outbreak of 1918, patients treated with homeopathy had much higher survival rates than those treated by medical doctors. On a personal note, my allergic reaction to bee stings is always immediately relieved by taking homeopathic Apis. No more swelling or itching!

I had the same results with a bad case of poison oak. Fifteen minutes after taking the remedy, my skin started to tingle and the itching totally stopped. I could list many more experiences that have convinced me of the value of homeopathy. The best thing about it is that it is non-toxic and has no side effects, so it is well worth trying before resorting to the toxic pharmaceutical drugs or surgeries so prevalent in our medical system.

Since homeopathy is prescribed by looking at the symptom patterns, rather than the disease diagnosis, a different remedy may be needed by one person than another for the same disease. This is confusing to most people, but it is essential for homeopathy to work. Also, the low doses available at natural food stores are often not strong enough to bring about healing. A good homeopath can pinpoint the right remedy and dose for your particular problem. The first visit is usually expensive (around $300) because of the in-depth interview needed to assess your personal profile, but the following visits are usually only around $35 to $40, and you generally will not need many visits unless you have deep-seated or multiple problems.

The fact that the British royal family (who can afford the best medical care in the world) uses homeopathy, should be some indication of its value!

Bernadette Wulf - Naturopath

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Posted 11 years ago

I have used homeopathy as well a been treated using a bio presonance machine that also affects the electomagnetic field (MORA, Physiospect). I have had great results. Emotionally-mentally especially with just homeopathics the treatments and prescribed homeopathic-dosage rememdies given seemed more effective physically. I think also that the expertise of the practioner is critical.

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Posted 11 years ago

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Posted 11 years ago

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