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Infertility Treatment: Mind

There are 4 Mind treatments for Infertility.

The role of the mind in important for fostering fertility. It has been shown, for instance, that high levels of stress can inhibit fertility by prompting higher levels of the hormone prolactin. Excessive levels of prolactin can inhibit fertility in women. Many of the mind therapies are focused on eliciting relaxation and ease tension. Other techniques help get access to underlying fears and mental “blockages” that may be affecting a couple’s ability to conceive.

Treatments include:


Effect of Psychotherapy on Infertility

Reproductive Psychology is based on the principle that each person has a “Reproductive Story” which is defined early in life through observations of our parents, parents’ role modeling and various...

Read more about Infertility and Psychotherapy.

Effect of Hypnotherapy on Infertility

Hypnotherapy is hypnosis-based techniques that help with stress reduction and also provide positive affirmations of health and well-being. Hypnotherapy techniques may help uncover a woman’s...

Read more about Infertility and Hypnotherapy.

Effect of Guided Imagery on Infertility

Guided Imagery is a blend of mediation and self-hypnosis. Its appealing because it does not require any experience or skill on the part of the user. One can invent their own imagery or listen to a...

Read more about Infertility and Guided Imagery.

Effect of Meditation on Infertility

Meditation helps connect mind with body to achieve a state of being “present”. This state promotes deep relaxation and sense of connectedness with our purpose and goals. Several different methods of...

Read more about Infertility and Meditation.

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