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What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a common complaint characterized by having trouble with how much or how well you sleep. You might go to bed at the usual time, but instead of getting sleep, you find yourself thinking a lot of things or tossing and turning. Some complain of recurrent periods of wakefulness or repetitive early morning awakenings.

Insomnia is not defined by the number of hours sleep you get or how long it takes you to get to sleep. Each person’s sleep needs differ, and if those needs are not met, a number of problems may arise.

Insomnia sufferers usually awaken feeling unrefreshed and they feel tired during the day. Inadequate sleep can lead to mood changes, lack of motivation, decreased attention span, trouble with concentration and increased fatigue. Insomnia may take a toll on your work...

Insomnia is complex problem caused by many factors that may act individually or in combination with others.

Psychological factors

Psychological or emotional issues can cause insomnia. Stress, anxiety, depression and other behavior or mood-related problems are among the psychological causes of sleepless nights for many people. Stress hormones can make the mind active at night and keep someone awake for hours. Studies show that insomnia commonly accompanies anxiety disorders.

Depression and insomnia can be linked in more ways than one. The chemical imbalance thought to be involved in depression can cause symptoms of insomnia. In addition, the worries that normally accompany depression could make it difficult for you to sleep at night.

**Psychoactive drugs or...

Symptoms of insomnia may differ from person to person. Insomnia sufferers may complain of difficulty falling asleep at night and lie in bed tossing and turning for hours. Some may able to fall asleep, however, they wake up in the middle of the night and may not fall asleep for hours. In some cases, insomnia presents as early morning awakenings. After waking up at wee hours of the morning, you may be unable to to go back to sleep, or you may drift into an unsatisfying sleep. This is a common symptom in the elderly and those who are suffering from depression.

Insomnia and Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms are also quite common among insomnia sufferers. It has been found that people with insomnia seek medical help more and are often less satisfied with their health...

If you're having trouble sleeping at night, start by talking to your health care provider.

Insomnia is a serious health concern because it affects the quality of life. Talking to your doctor is an important step for restoring sleep and improving your health.

The diagnosis of insomnia is made based on the patient's reported signs and symptoms. Obtaining a detailed history is crucial in evaluating insomnia, expect your doctor to ask many questions pertaining to your sleep pattern, sleep quality and daytime symptoms. Information about your past and ongoing health problems will also be obtained because many medical illnesses are known to disrupt sleep through various mechanisms. You need to inform your doctor whether your are taking any medications including over the counter drugs...

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