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Osteoarthritis Treatment: Herbs

There are 5 Herbs treatments for Osteoarthritis.
Written by sshowalter.

Herbal treatments for osteoarthritis can be used topically to reduce inflammation, joint pain, and even as supplements for cartilage growth. Natural remedies are often less invasive than medical interventions, so consider using herbal treatments when possible.

Treatments include:


Effect of Ginger and Asian spice galanga on Osteoarthritis

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Read more about Osteoarthritis and Ginger and Asian spice galanga.

Effect of Comfrey on Osteoarthritis

Traditionally, comfrey has been used to help heal bones rapidly. Since osteoarthritis is a condition whereby wear and tear on cartilage causes joints to become stiff, comfrey might be able to help.

Read more about Osteoarthritis and Comfrey.

Effect of White Willow on Osteoarthritis

White willow can be used in the treatment for osteoarthritis as an alternative to aspirin.

Read more about Osteoarthritis and White Willow.

Effect of Elk Velvet Antler on Osteoarthritis

Elk Velvet Antler or Deer Antler has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Read more about Osteoarthritis and Elk Velvet Antler.

Effect of Chondroitin on Osteoarthritis

Based on the evidence of preliminary double-blind studies, chondroitin is widely used as a treatment for osteoarthritis, the typical arthritis that many people suffer as they get older.

There is...

Read more about Osteoarthritis and Chondroitin.

Other Treatments

Other treatments with incomplete supporting evidence from double-blind trials include Ayurvedic herbal combination therapy,81,174 boswellia,107 cat’s claw,100 a proprietary complex of minerals with or without cat's claw,156 devil's claw,65,66,157-158 proteolytic enzymes,97,98,159,160 rose hips,143,161-162,188 soy protein,150 and vitamin B3.64

Numerous other herbs and supplements sometimes recommended for osteoarthritis include: beta-carotene, boron, cartilage, chamomile, copper, dandelion, D-phenylalanine, feverfew, molybdenum, selenium, turmeric, and yucca. However, there is little to no evidence as yet that these treatments are effective.


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