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Ovarian Cyst Removal—Laparoscopic Surgery
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

Experiences with Ovarian Cyst Removal—Laparoscopic Surgery

2 people have experienced Ovarian Cyst Removal—Laparoscopic Surgery. Have you?

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2 people have tried Ovarian Cyst Removal—Laparoscopic Surgery 0 people have prescribed Ovarian Cyst Removal—Laparoscopic Surgery
Has tried it
Posted 11 years ago

I had it 5days ago it was defficult as my cyst was large 10 cm but it went smoothly the sergenos were exeprt they were able to take it through small insertion ,

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Has tried it
Posted 8 years ago

i undergo surgery last aug. 26,2015 because of ovarian cystoutside (left ovary). is there any possible that the cyst will grow in my right ovary?

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