Proper nutrition is extremely important, both for helping to prevent disease, and during all stages of pancreatic cancer. Because pancreatic cancer and its treatments may make it difficult to digest foods, it is important to plan one’s diet carefully.
A diet high in red meat—particularly meat that has been highly processed, preserved, charcoal broiled, or grilled—apparently increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, according to research studies. Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains could reduce one’s risk.
Pancreatic cancer and pancreatic surgery interfere with digestive enzymes, and can make normal eating difficult for some time. Therefore, patients should work with their clinical dietician to determine the best diet for them in the short term and over time. Doctors may prescribe medicines to replace some digestive enzymes.
The following foods, minerals, and nutritional supplements have been identified as having some strengthening effect in battling and/or preventing cancer:
- omega-3 fish oils
- Vitamins C and E
- Niacin
- Beta carotene
- Selenium
- Green tea
- Parsley
- Whey protein
- Pantothenic acid
- Reservatrol
- Melatonin
- Perilla Oil
- Choline
Effect of CAAT Diet on Pancreatic Cancer
A special diet, known as Controlled Amino Acid Treatment (CAAT), has been shown in some studies to effectively fight cancer by depriving it of nutrients. The diet includes a special CAAT formula taken...
Read more about Pancreatic Cancer and CAAT Diet.
A.P. John Institute for Cancer Research. 2009. “Pancreatic Cancer.” (Online)
Pancreatic Cancer Online. 2009. “Information on Treatment Options for Pancreatic Cancer.” (Online)
Metcalf, Eric, MPH. 2009. “Pancreatic Cancer: What Are the Risk Factors?” (Online)
Cancer Treatment Centers of America. 2007. “Nutrition in Cancer Care.” (Online) 2009. “Pancreatic Cancer: Diet and Nutrition.” (Online)
Schaachter, Michael B., MD, CNS, FACAM. "Controlled Amino Acid Treatment--A Nutritional Approach to Treating Cancer." (Online)
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Please refrain from making contradictory statements "about whole grain". In one place you say "to eat whole grain", then later you say "to stay away from whole it feeds amino acids to the pancreatic cancer which needs amino acids to grow". Most confusing. Thank You, though! (My sister has survived one year with pancreatic cancer.