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Pelargonium sidoides
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Pelargonium sidoides Usage

Written by sshowalter, FoundHealth.


Effect of Pelargonium sidoides on Sinusitis

An alcohol extract made from Pelargonium sidoideshas become popular in Germany as a treatment for various respiratory problems, including acute bronchitis , the common cold ,...

Read more about Sinusitis and Pelargonium sidoides.

What is Pelargonium sidoides Used for Today?

An alcohol extract made from Pelargonium sidoideshas become popular in Germany as a treatment for various respiratory problems, including acute bronchitis , the common cold , sinusitis, pharyngitis (sore throat) , and tonsillitis. 1 Fairly large studies have been performed to substantiate some of these uses.

For example, in one double-blind , placebo-controlled study, 468 adults with recent onset of acute bronchitis were given either placebo or a standard alcohol extract of Pelargonium sidoides 3 times daily for a week. 2 The results showed a significantly greater improvement in symptoms in the treatment group as compared to the placebo group. On average, participants who received the real treatment were able to return to work 2 days earlier than those given placebo. Benefits were also seen in 2 other double-blind, placebo-controlled studies enrolling a total of almost 350 people with acute bronchitis. 3 When researchers pooled the results of four well-designed, placebo-controlled trials, they found that a standardized extract of Pelargonium performed significantly better than placebo at reducing the symptoms of bronchitis by the seventh day of treatment. 4 Given this evidence, Pelargonium appears to be effective for acute bronchitis.

Another double-blind, placebo-controlled study enrolled 143 children aged 6-10 years with a nondangerous form of strep throat (technically, non-group A beta hemolytic strep tonsillopharyngitis). 5 On average, the total duration of the illness was reduced by 2 days in the treatment group as compared to the placebo group.

Note: Only a medical test can distinguish between the relatively nondangerous form of strep throat studied in this trial (non-group A strep) and strep throat of the potentially very dangerous A form (group A strep). For this reason, physician supervision is essential. See the

Finally, a double-blind study of 133 adults who had just come down with the common cold found that use of a standardized pelargonium extract at a dose of 30 ml three times daily significantly reduced the severity and duration of symptoms as compared to placebo. 6 It is not known how Pelargonium sidoides might work, but its action is hypothesized to involve both direct antibacterial effects and immune function modification. 7 8


  1. Kolodziej H, Schulz V. Umckaloabo: from traditional application to modern phytodrug. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung. 2003;143:55-64.
  2. Matthys H, et al. Efficacy and safety of an extract of Pelargonium sidoides (EPs 7630) in adults with acute bronchitis. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Phytomedicine. 2003;10(suppl 4):7-17.
  3. Chuchalin AG, Berman B, Lehmacher W. Treatment of acute bronchitis in adults with a pelargonium sidoides preparation (EPs 7630): a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Explore (NY). 1(6):437-45.
  4. Agbabiaka TB, Guo R, Ernst E. Pelargonium sidoides for acute bronchitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Phytomedicine. 2008 Jan 25.
  5. Bereznoy VV, Riley DS, Wassmer G, Heger M. Efficacy of extract of Pelargonium sidoides in children with acute non-group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus tonsillopharyngitis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Altern Ther Health Med. 2003;9:68-79.
  6. Lizogub VG, Riley DS, Heger M. Efficacy of a Pelargonium sidoides preparation in patients with the common cold: a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Explore (NY). 2007;3:573-584.
  7. Kolodziej H, Kayser O, Radtke OA, et al. Pharmacological profile of extracts of Pelargonium sidoides and their constituents. Phytomedicine. 2003;10(suppl 4):18-24.
  8. Kayser O, Kolodziej H, Kiderlen AF, et al. Immunomodulatory principles of Pelargonium sidoides. Phytother Res. 2001;15:122-126.


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