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Psoriasis Treatment: Body

There are 5 Body treatments for Psoriasis.
Written by ColleenO.

The first step in psoriasis therapy is to apply treatment directly to the surface of the skin. This may involve the use of prescription, non-prescription, or natural topical therapies. The purpose of these treatments is to heal inflammation and reduce other symptoms of psoriasis.

Non-prescription topical therapies that work on the skin include, but are not limited to:

  • Sunlight: People with mild to moderate psoriasis may benefit from short, daily doses of sunlight, while people with more extensive psoriasis may require UVA or UVB treatment in medically approved centers (see Phototherapy).
  • Coal Tar Products: A time-tested remedy, coal tar improves scaling, itching, and inflammation.

Acupuncture has shown some promise for helping to treat psoriasis,24 though these results have not been demonstrated in rigorous studies.25

Treatments include:


Effect of Sunlight on Psoriasis

Sunlight helps treat psoriasis by suppressing the immune system (activated T cells) in the skin, thus reducing inflammation and slowing the rapid growth of skin cells.

Read more about Psoriasis and Sunlight.

Effect of Coal Tar Products on Psoriasis

Coal tar helps treat psoriasis by improving scaling, itching, and inflammation on the skin and scalp.

Read more about Psoriasis and Coal Tar Products.

Effect of Baths and Moisturizers on Psoriasis

Baths and moisturizers help treat psoriasis by keeping skin moisturized, soothing inflammation and itching, and promoting healing.

Read more about Psoriasis and Baths and Moisturizers.

Effect of Acupuncture on Psoriasis

Since an underlying bodily imbalance or blockage is what brings the problem of psoriasis to the surface, acupuncture works to remove this blockage from the inside out. So depending on the...

Read more about Psoriasis and Acupuncture.

Effect of Yoga on Psoriasis

Physical activity is important for the treatment of all health conditions, including psoriasis. On a purely physical level, exercise can increase circulation and help the body rid itself of the toxins...

Read more about Psoriasis and Yoga.


  1. Liao, SJ. Acupuncture treatment for psoriasis: a retrospective case report. Acupunct Electrother Res. 1992;17:195-208.
  2. Jerner B, Skogh M, Vahlquist A. A controlled trial of acupuncture in psoriasis: no convincing effect. Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh). 1997;77:154-156.

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