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What are the signs of teenage depression?

Asked 13 years ago by socmom
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2 Answers

Posted 13 years ago

Just like adults, the signs and symptoms of depression can vary person to person. Some people exhibit depression by oversleeping while others have insomnia. Some have outburst of anger and fiery emotion while others become pensive, introverted and quite. In adolescents, girls can tend to doubt their abilities and physical appearance when they become depressed while boys either bottle emotions up showing little difference to their normal state but may be prone to outbursts of anger. Both genders of adolescents (and adults for that matter) can have digestive issues due to depression as well as sleeping problems and problems focusing.

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Posted 13 years ago

When teen depression goes untreated, it can lead to attempts of homicide or suicide and can be a very serious debilitating condition. These are tragedies however that can be prevented when there is early intervention. Signs of teen depression sometimes go overlooked as simply a teen with hormonal or attitude issues and the depression itself goes unnoticed.

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