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Sinusitis Treatment: Body

There are 5 Body treatments for Sinusitis.
Written by sshowalter.

Keeping a healthy body is a major part of fighting off any illness. Directly, clearing the nasal passage ways through nasal sprays and steam treatments is a good way to clear up the excess phlegm and mucus that can exist with sinusitis. Otherwise, keeping a healthy weight and healthy body (through modalities like yoga and acupuncture among others) can absolutely help in fending off sinus infections.

Treatments include:


Effect of Steam Treatment on Sinusitis

Even though studies have not been performed to evaluate its benefit, some people find that inhaling steam can be very soothing in the management of acute sinusitis. Studies do show a small benefit...

Read more about Sinusitis and Steam Treatment.

Effect of Nasal Sprays on Sinusitis

Some doctors recommend a nasal irrigation device and warm salt solution to wash out your sinuses and nasal passages. Check with your doctor to see if she recommends a particular device. Nasal...

Read more about Sinusitis and Nasal Sprays.

Effect of Neti Pot on Sinusitis

Some people find that clearing the nasal passage with a neti pot can help relieve some symptoms of sinusitis.

Read more about Sinusitis and Neti Pot.

Effect of Acupuncture on Sinusitis

Acupuncture can help to restore healthy function to the body and in doing so eliminate many conditions.

Find other natural remedies for sinus infections.

Read more about Sinusitis and Acupuncture.

Effect of Yoga on Sinusitis

Yoga can be a part of a healthy treatment plan for sinusitis. When the body is functioning efficiently, there is less inflammation. Since inflammation causes sinusitis, yoga can help to mitigate...

Read more about Sinusitis and Yoga.

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