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Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)
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Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) Treatment: Mind

Written by ColleenO.

There are direct connections between stress and immune health. Chronic stress tends to suppress the immune system, making you more prone to getting sick with a cold or flu. Finding ways to relax and manage stress is one of the best ways to stay healthy during cold and flu season. Keeping stress in check means that you will be less likely to get sick in the first place; if you get sick, you will recover faster.

Click Here to See All 26 Treatments for Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)

FoundHealth has 26 treatments for Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)!
See all Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) Treatment options and start building your care plan today.

Medicine Herbs Diet Body Mind Spirit


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