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Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)
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Experiences with Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) and Acidophilus and Other Probiotics

3 people have experienced Acidophilus and Other Probiotics. Have you?

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3 people have tried Acidophilus and Other Probiotics 0 people have prescribed Acidophilus and Other Probiotics
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Posted 10 years ago

Before taking probiotics, I used to be laid up sick for 10-13 days in a row every year in the winter; yellow mucous, coughing excessively, headache, all the symptoms. This year I've been taking acidophilous on a regular basis and even though I still caught a cold, it wasn't anywhere near as severe. Mucous was clear, runny nose for 4 days, sore throat was minor and gone in 2 days, never got tired, never lost my voice. I live in Colorado so winter can be tough. My suggestion is a regimen of acidophilus (I take tablets) and using a netti pot to help clear the passages. A little preventative measure can go a long way.

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