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Witch Hazel
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

What is Witch Hazel?

The bark, leaves, and twigs of the witch hazel shrub were widely used as medicinal treatments by native peoples of North America. Witch hazel was applied topically as a treatment for such conditions as skin wounds, insect bites, hemorrhoids, muscle aches, and back stiffness, and it was taken internally for colds, coughs, and digestive problems. It came into use among European colonists in the 1840s, when a businessman named Theron Pond marketed an extract of witch hazel under the name “Golden Treasure.”

The most common witch hazel product available in the U.S. is made from the whole twigs of the shrub. Extracts of the bark alone are used in Europe.

Witch hazel is widely marketed for direct application to the skin to relieve pain, stop bleeding, control itching, reduce symptoms of eczema , and treat muscle aches. Pads, ointments, and suppositories containing witch hazel are used for treatment of hemorrhoids . Extracts of the bark and leaf are used in Europe to treat diarrhea , inflammation of the gums, canker sores , and varicose veins . However, there is no meaningful evidence that witch hazel is actually effective for any of these conditions.

One small double-blind study is commonly cited as evidence that witch hazel is effective for treatment of eczema . This study compared topical witch hazel ointment to the drug bufexamac, and found them equally effective. 1 However, bufexamac itself has not been shown effective for the...

Safety Issues

Witch hazel appears to be a relatively safe substance, but comprehensive safety studies have not been performed. When applied to the skin, it may cause allergic reactions. Witch hazel contains tannins, which can upset the stomach. Safety in pregnant or nursing women, young children, or people with severe liver or kidney disease is not established.
