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Yoga Side Effects and Warnings

Written by FoundHealth.

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Safety Issues

Hatha yoga is generally at least as safe as any other stretching-based exercise program. However there are a few hatha yoga positions, such as the headstand, that can cause injury when they are performed by a person who isn’t yet sufficiently advanced in yoga, or who has certain health problems, such as a detached retina. A properly qualified instructor can help you avoid injury, taking your own individual health status into account.



Posted 10 years ago

All yoga exercises are fully safe, if they are done under the proper supervision of a yoga expert, people usually do yoga hurriedly without any guidance. In the beginning one should learn some easy exercises, then move further with some advanced exercises under yoga he guidance of yoga expert. As a yoga training at Arhanta Yoga Ashram (http://www.arhantayogaindia) i highly recommend where you learn yoga from, it should be a recognized yoga school run by qualified and skilled yoga professionals. They should have adequate knowledge of yoga.

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Posted 9 years ago

The danger in working with an untrained yoga teacher lies in the unrecognized power of the practices to bring about the uncontrolled released of fears and may be illnesses.

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